Chapter 52 - Origin of the Prince Family

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus listened quietly to the words from Ingrid's song as the shapes of magical light danced over Harriet while his ancestor held hands with his wife.

Her music continued while Severus slipped into a deep trance.

He failed to notice his magically-induced state, though as he stayed within it, Ingrid spoke clearly to him over the sound of her own singing:

"Many years ago, before anything that is today, I began. I do not remember how, or why, or to whom....I only remember being kept in the worst room of a fine palace, shackled, and bound. The pain was constant and the blazing sun made my agony harder to bear."

Severus squinted his eyes as the magical lights displayed the shape of a magnificent palace that sat amongst rolling sand dunes.

He frowned as he glanced over at Ingrid only to see that she mirrored his somber expression.

"It is to be, son of my son." Ingrid said slowly as she glanced down at the continuous flood of viscous black ink that flowed from Harriet's arm.

"My wife carries curses within her?" Severus asked.

"No, your wife bears their scars." Ingrid corrected him, "Their weight, their burden, nothing really ever leaves this world, son of my son, bodies rot, trees decay.....only to become something else. A pleasant bit of magic can fortify someone.....An unpleasant bit can move through the flesh like a silent disease, unnoticed but foul."

Severus's dark eyes flickered over to Harriet as she jerked suddenly in her enchanted state of slumber.

"She will move again before it is over." Ingrid said calmly, "I will try to be quick, though I believe if you take my hand while I speak, the process will speed all the more."

Severus frowned as he hesitantly reached towards Ingrid's hand.

He intended to aid in Harriet's healing, to calmly listen to his ancestor's song and enjoy the little show of lights that danced across his wife's bed.

Severus underestimated his own power as a Legilimens and the exact strength of a bloodline.

Still unknowingly deep within his trance, as soon as he touched Ingrid's hand, his eyes widened while he found himself transported on a journey through the memories expressed by the lights and in her song.....


"You are nothing." A man with tan skin and dark hair hissed, "You will always be nothing and that will never change! Do you understand?" He asked as he spoke to the group of quivering, young girls he faced.

The girls all looked similar, with dark hair, dark eyes, dirty, bare bodies and heavy chains of black iron cruelly wrapped around their wrists and ankles.

Hurriedly, the girls all nodded.

"Go on, then! It's nearly time to serve the royal family their dinner!" The man barked as he warningly touched the whip held on his belt, "One second behind schedule will earn you each three lashes, hurry up!"

Before the memory faded, Severus watched closely as the tallest of the chained girls scrambled away to tend her duties.

His eyes flickered from that pattern of dancing lights up to Ingrid as a scowl formed on his face.

While his ancestor continued to hold him in a trance with her song, he understood that the tall girl in chains was in fact, Ingrid herself.


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