confirmed pregnant and anxiety...

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so alhamdulilah ever since i learned how to deal with my PCOS, ive been really on top of my anxiety. but today i went to the gp and then also got an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and im 6 weeks, and my baby has a heartbeat. it feels really weird tbh, J.A is the only one who knows bc i told her my period was late, but i didnt plan on updating her until she asked again.. and then i told her that ye i may be pregnant.

but honestly icbb for these damn mood swings, im happy that im pregnant but i feel really strange. ive been out ALL day today and i think maybe thats the reason for my anxiety too, like i literally was in the house for a few hours but i went gym, gp, ultrasound and then an apartment hunt too and we reached home at like 6 and its 7:19 now.

i took DIM to help with the anxiety and decided to write down this entry as well so i can figure out why i feel this way.

i think im also feeling this way bc i have ALOT due this week for eg.

- my work brief is due on the 31st of OCt and today is 26

- my quiz is due friday/saturday but im not too stressed about it 

- TOMORROW is my poster presentation for the research presentation and i have to do a 3-5 min speech about my experience etc and i havent even STARTED

- this week i havent done my tafseer class notes etiher, and we're also going to the museum on saturday so idk how im gonna get all this done but i better have it locked.

OH and tomorrow i have to go for a blood/urine test too.

all of this is quite overwhelming i cant lie but ik the main reason im feeling like this is bc of the work brief and tomorrow' speech so the only way to deal with it... is to deal with it.

so im gonna end this entry here and do my work brief summary rn.. bc i dont want this anxiety to keep me awake tonight.

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