what is so wrong about the loa, ava?

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absolutely frkn nothing. its just that i get the feeling that its hippy or my husband strictly avoids me to consume media that leads to that hippy stuff and i totally get it. it can absolutely misguide you. it can make you think you are God ASTAGHFIRULLAH.

so im making this entry to explain to myself reasons it can go wrong and also reasons why i should do it.


- there is absolutely nothing wrong with "living from the end" as it make you more grateful, less resistant and more aware of how Allah makes things happen

- remember YOU are not manifesting anything, you are simply ASSUMING the best outcome for your situation... why? bc you assume ALLAH does not want you to fail, you assume Allah wants you to succeed bc why wouldnt he?

- helps you be more positive and therefore more happy and successful

- my biggest goal in life has ALWAYS been to be happy and successful, not only for my sake but for Islam's sake; so that non-Muslims can look at Muslims and be like "wow they really do have faith bc its not their circumstances ie. media that make them great"


-shaitan will whisper to you that YOU manifested smth whereas you didnt do anything except a little effort and alot of positive expectations from Allah

-remember, Allah makes the unbelievers succeed, that is a test for them and it is a test for you bc you will feel like faith is not important since they are succeeding without it - this is NEVER the case. this is simply a test of your faith, be mindful

- there is no "universe" there is only Allah. Allah is bigger than the universe, which means there is more success that is unimaginable laying ahead of you, if you just believe.

- always remember that this can become a HUGE misguidance if you let it consume you. the loa is simply how life works, it is not smth you start worshipping, remember bad things will still happen, that doesnt mean you were negative, it is simply a test from Allah. what you have to do is avoid UNNECESSARY negativity by dwelling and holding grudges. 

LOA doesnt mean bad wont happen... maybe what you want for yourself isnt always good which is why you arent getting it? Remember Allah and HIS laws first and foremost.

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