sunday brunch discussions

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so, today my husband gave a brief presentation on the book he was reading 'how to win friends and influence people' and he mentioned that we are defined by where we feel important and how we feel important - that is the test of our character.

and then we started talking about self-reflections and etc. and my BIL M.A just said stupid things like how you should tell your wife that her cooking is horrible when she cooks smth horrible, and honestly i lost so much respect for him when he said that - this toxic crap is not entering my ears or my life, and everybody was  just laughing about it, and i just start staring at him like like damn you do not deserve good things. bc i swear he doesnt.

anyways, i spoke up when he was gone bc honestly speaking to him feels like youre speaking at him bc nothing you say is going into his thick-head stubborn skull. and then my SIL S.A started saying how self-assessment is easy and she does it everyday, and it gives her a sense of satisfaction bc of what she "did" during the day and i was staring at her like ?????? none of this is what self-reflection means. like self-reflection is not your frkn linkedin profile of your projects and accomplishments which is what all of them said self-assessment meant.

ive never been so horrified in my life, i was holding back my tongue so hard and for so long. like how can people be so blind? why are your achievements how you define yourself?

and then my MIL said smth true to which all her kids said "no" to and im so shocked like y'all are grown-ass adults and cant handle constructive criticism and would go out of your way to AVOID IT? WTH.

my MIL asked you know, like what about positive criticism or like a little nudge to the right thing and both S.A and M.A said the same thing " you dont say anything, you just leave them" and these both have kids ... this is going to be my kids aunty and uncle, im severely embarrassed. like this is what i mean.. how many kids you have or your age has no correlation to your intelligence.

both M.A and S.A are two sides of the same coin and i hate them both equally bc they truly have found a way to piss me off that nobody else has. 

anyways i told my husband all this and he agreed, i asked him why he didnt say anything and he said its bc he doesnt realise which is fair i guess bc hes been a part of this family for so long, and all this family does is theatrics about 'islam' and etc. nobody does any action and thats what pisses me off, that my kids are gonna be around this crap.

moreover, my 'friend' A.I is such a witch, like i acc hate her lol shes so annoying and all she does is become close to only her coworker friends, like yesterday we were at M.Q dawat and A.I was there with her coworker who was also invited and all they did was talk to each other the whole night.. about their other coworkers. and i was just like sitting there weird and awkward like wth. i barely see you and this is how you treat me? how about you gtfo my space and get out of my face. shes such a witch i really grew to dislike her, honestly shes not a good friend anyway so idk why i let it get to me, but im human. also M.G is a piece of crap too, 

so ye idc about A.I or M.G they both can stuff themselves and die. im just over EVERYBODY and their mums like i couldnt care lesser???? im so over it!!!! like idc about nobody esp when all of them are this stupid Alhamdulilah Allah gave me a brain and heaps of emotional intelligence and i hope im never this stupid ameen.

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