mental blockade (revisit this often)

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the fact that people say LOA is shirk... now i understand where they are coming from but what makes more sense to me is that it isn't. obviously people who DONT believe in God, believe in "the universe".. that doesnt mean the whole ideology is shirk. its just that shaitaan deceives everyone

When it comes to thinking well, in Islam it has to begin with thinking well about God himself. There is famous saying of Prophet Mohammad in which he says that God says; "I treat my servant in accordance with his opinion of me." which is also an ayat in the Quraan

A person who always thinks about bad things in his mind and imagines that bad things will happen to him thinks unjustly and unfavourably about God and ends us getting bad things. A person, who has good thoughts, thinks favourably about God, because everything comes into existence thru the creation of God, is bestowed with goodness

The Arabic word 'Iblees' is derived from the noun 'Iblaas', which means despair, remorse, and grief. Allaah, The Exalted, says (what means): {...and they were (then) mublisoon (in despair).} [Quran 6:44] The Arabic word 'mublisoon' used in the verse means 'to be in a state of despair, remorse, and grief.

thinking negatively and thinking that life is against you, and twisting the meaning of "this world is a prisoner for the believers" is all part of shaitaan's plot. he wants us to live in misery and we start to think that we are being MORE pious bc we are in misery???? how does that make sense???? shaitaan is the one that benefits from us being negative... bc if we in misery and thats how we think that we have become "closer" to Allah bc of it... then we will associate misery with faith and islam and "freedom" with falsehood. how is that a good outcome? and why is this so normalised?

islam gives us resilience bc we know this is not the end, and so no matter what life throws at us, we say what pleases our Lord and we move on with our day

"Hoping for good is also an act of worship of Allah" (Tirmidhi and Hakim).

"Supplicate Allah Almighty and be certain that He will answer your prayer" (Tirmidhi).

"Allah the Most High said, 'I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand's length, I draw near to him an arm's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed'" (Hadith Qudsi).

"Wondrous is the affair of the believer for there is good for him in every matter and this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If he is happy, then he thanks Allah and thus there is good for him. If he is harmed, then he shows patience and thus there is good for him" (Muslim).

Once our Prophet, peace be upon him, went to a young man who was on his death bed and asked him 'How do you feel?' The young man said, 'I have much hope from Allah but I also fear for my sins'. The Prophet said, 'The believer who has these two ideas simultaneously at such time, Allah fulfills his hopes and grants him security from fear' (Tirmidhi). 

i saw this thing on quora which is exactly how i feel: "manifesting is not haram as long as you are not praying to the universe, or asking the universe for what u want.

I am not 'creating' a reality. i am simply using my mind and the laws of the universe to shift to an already existing timeline of the life that i want. i am using my thoughts and my vibrational frequency to attract things like wealth, love, success and happiness.

these things already exist, i am not creating anything, i am simply attracting it into my life by expressing gratitude, believing in myself and vibrating at a loving, joyful and peaceful frequency. i am embodying the person that i want to be.

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