possibly pregnant...

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yay!! but i do feel weird about it. bc a) we weren't trying and b)idk if i wanna be pregnant rn

but then i thought that if Allah gave this gift to us why would we be ungrateful and put our selfish wishes before this gift? also, rn im just feeling very irritable and annoyed possibly bc of the high estrogen and really hungry.

lately im just getting really annoyed at everyone, esp my MIL and J.A's dumbass husband.. he annoys me on another level largely bc he is so fearful of the world, and his reaction to covid really pissed me off too - like how stupid can someone be. putting all his faith in the doctors, Im annoyed at J.A bc shes so "careful" about stale food or a little black on the tomato like ??? are you from pakistan or the northern suburbs? calm down, and relax acting like a little spore is gonna kill you... this is why your immune system is so frkn dead.

and the way they raise their kid pisses me off even more. atleast S.A is a good mom, not that J.A isnt but bc her husband is a typical listen-to-the-govt-they-know-best like are you frkn serious? you cant be that stupid. even tho J.A listens to the truth, she cant implement it bc of her husband .

anyways, sunday brunches/dinners just reinforce my annoyance these days - and i hope this phase passes by very soon bc i swear i need to get work done and im just not able to.

the thing im looking forward to this coming year with this probable-baby is the food habits and nutrition im going to have to eat etc and that excites me alot if im honest

i looked at the website hormonehealingrd.com for more information on what nutrients i should focus on: beef liver thruout the pregnancy but increase intake esp around 3rd trimester, cod liver oil thruout but increased to 2 tablespoons in the third trimester, dairy thruout for calcium (hard cheeses, raw milk, butter), fish 3-4x a week, bone broth thruout, ALOE VERA FOR CONSTIPATION, coconut water for hydration, ofc magnesium (im gonna get mine from cacao powder) - increase during third trimester

research on vitamin A is too interesting to ignore, but ik i have to increase its intake if i wanna ensure my kids win the genetic lottery - obvs i have to make lots of dua too but ik that Allah will give me whats best iA

ik ill be ok, its not just the nutrition, its also the mental work as well as the deen work. and im proud of where im going so far Alhamdulilah. even tho this pregnancy wasnt planned for like another year, im kind of happy it happened now bc i feel like unnecessary delay is just silly

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