feeling more in control

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ye, so ive taken alot more of an active role in my life where i stop blaming ppl around me for things that im feeling and instead take cahrge and do smth about them. i was supposed to meet J.F today but it didnt happen bc her mom got sick but tbh it was definitely for the best bc i had so much to do today, it was not funny. still im happy i applied to about 2-3 places which is a good amount of places in my opinion. im still applying and hoping to landa  good job with really good pay. ive started to make more dua too, which is really helpful bc it sets the goal in my head and then when i pray 5 times and say the same dua 5 times it slowly overwrites the crap in my head and makes me aim for what i want instead of inviting bad things.

ive also started working out again more seriously and less intensely and tell me why im seeing more results? alhamdulilah. im working out 3 times a week full-body and its perfect for my lifestyle bc i cant always make it to the gym and i dont want to make gym a task. i want it to be a good thing that i do not another to-do list item.

anyways, im feeling much better each and everyday off the pill and its honestly great. i cant lie first 20-ish days of the iud were crap and i couldnt enjoy sex but also i was bleeding for like 15 days soooo ye. and im due to start bleeding soon again. but even my husband said he noticed a big difference. im much calmer and easygoing, less uptight and high-strung. the pill does that to you.

anyways Alhamdulilah, my husband doesnt have a job yet but hes focussing on his digital marketing for now and hes really good at it so i hope for our future that he kills it soon iA. if soon were in the next 2-3 weeks.

otherwise my work experience at the lawyers' place is acc becoming a bit more fun, bc im learning to do things on my own and not relying on anyone else to do them. and honestly its not really 'hard work' bc all of the documents have been automated by the software so if i enter all the details correctly and then open a word doc thru LEAP, it will have all the menial info there already so i dont waste time. and on top of that, im doing everything, and by that i men everything.

property, criminal, civil, migration everything that the law firm is doing, im taking it on and learning the importance of info and how to enter it into the program as well as how the contract etc even works is very interesting. moreover, im trying to get more psych experience and have contacted an postgrad student whos doing her phd in paediatrics and needs interns for research so iA that will be happening v v soon and im applying to more research jobs.

also, ive applied to this other program that helps the youth overcome homelessness and the criminal justice system. and that sounds really interesting and ill be in

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