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this month has been a bit of a weird one honestly. esp. these last two days of my period uff i havent acc done anything productive but the thing is... i dont feel bad about it at all. i mean my uterus is literally having a meltdown, why would i have one too? ill give her space to have hers.

but i do want to pray and it aches me that i cant. i hate that Allah has made praying haram for us during this time, its the one thing i have the energy and time for. i cbb for my 30% assignment which i still havent started and i have absolutely no plans of starting until last minute as per usual. not praying makes committing sins so much easier and i h8 that, wish i could pray and not just watch shows wasting my time away. its not even fun watching shows when thats all youre doing. 

i had a hair-ache this whole day (which means my hair and scalp was randomly hurting from many spots on my head, making it impossible to do anything but sleep)

ik i gotta start on this assignment but i dont remember the last time a period sucked the life out of me like this and it feels really weird but ik ill get past it. tomorrow is a new day iA.

in other news, my sister-in-law got me such a nice set of hijabs for summer and i  was so happy!!! it was the cutest thing, i need to buy her smth now but im not sure what. but she said she got it for me bc i do sm around the house and she wanted to show me that it was appreciated :))) it made me really happy Alhamdulilah shes so sweet and caring.

im so glad that i have more alone time since my husband is out for work and i love how its at night too bc thats when i need it most. im finding out my space now and how much i need it and i honour it too. but honestly ik having a few bad days doesnt mean its a bad life, bc alhamdulilah Allah has blessed me with so much

idk why but i randomly want to be in a office setting with my husband where we act like strangers and get it on at random areas. s*x has been amazing btw, ive been less restricted too, not caring what he thinks has been liberating. Alhamdulilah for halal s*x wallah, such a blessing. i just wish my husband didnt have the MW complex, bc he seriously does and it becomes difficultbc i understand that i have to dress up for sex, but it starts to feel like a chore sometimes, just bc i have to change clothes everytime i go into the house etc bc of my BIL.

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