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This is the author. 

It's over. I just posted the last chapter. It's done. 

I just... I can't believe it. I've spent so much time on this book and it's amazing that it's done and I'm not crying. 


I can't thank you enough for everything, I mean everything. You were all so amazing, you never gave me any hate, you all were always so amazing, and I can't express how wonderful you all were to me. All the votes and comments and love. When I first got my outro and you guys commented telling me that I was loved too. This was my outlet and when I said I needed to slow down, you guys gave me nothing but support. I... I love you all. I just wanted to thank you. 

And to my friends, who did nothing but encourage me. You guys never stopped encouraging and loving on me, and giving me so much inspiration. You are amazing, and my best friends. 

Can we also just take a moment to honor the king, the Blade? May he forever rest in power, because he deserves that, if nothing else.

I promise I'm getting art of everyone in dresses (as well as Phil and Kristen on their wedding day) That'll be the next chapter, the last chapter. But I am going to mark this as completed. 

Comment, what do you want next from me? I need a replacement. 

A spy among us; Basically Tommy is a spy for a gang where he infiltrates the Sleepy Bois hero team and tries to get info. 

No clue what the title is Passerine inspired thing; Phil's king, Kristen's queen, and the princes are Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo. I basically read Passerine and said "How can I make this more depressing?" 

Whichever you want, I'll write. 

For the last time, stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



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