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Okay... These next few chapters get fuckin' angstyyyyy. I need to put a MASSIVE Tw. If you are struggling with depression, loss, grief, anger, or suicidal thoughts, self esteem, or basically anything mental please don't read. I'll put this in the next (even more angsty) chapter. 

Please stay safe!!!

For the next week, Tubbo remained in his room. He didn't come out to eat and the meals Phil left went untouched. Everyone was worried about him, but they weren't sure what to do. Tubbo and Ranboo had been attached at the hip, and now they'd been severed. Losing Ranboo snuffed out the flame that made Tubbo. He mostly just stayed in his room and cried. Wilbur stayed outside his room for six hours stalking and waiting for Tubbo to come out. He ended up falling asleep and only then did Tubbo come out and go to the bathroom. 

He needed help.

Seven days later, Technoblade walked downstairs. Tommy was half heartedly stabbing at a pancake while Phil was drinking coffee. Wilbur just sort of stared at his food.

"Morning." Techno mumbled. He got a few murmurs in reply and grabbed some coffee. Techno sat down and sighed. "This is stupid." He said.

"What?" Phil asked.

"This." Techno waved around. "Sitting here, pretending that we're not just waiting for Tubbo to come downstairs."

"Techno..." Phil said warningly.

"What?!" Techno demanded. "It is! I'm not just going to wait for him to come out, or starve himself whichever comes first! I'm going in there."

"Good luck with that." Tommy muttered, stabbing his pancake.

Techno scoffed, going upstairs.

He knocked on Tubbo's door. "Kid?" He asked, a nickname he'd come up with since a baby ram or goat was a kid. "I'm coming in."

He opened the door to find a dark room that was a mess, go figure. Tubbo was lying under some blankets in the bed. "Tubbo?" Techno asked.

No response, except a quiet sob. 

Techno sighed. "Tubbo, you need to get up." He said. "This is dumb. Do you seriously think this is what Ranboo would want?"

Tubbo sobbed. "Don't talk to me!"

"I'm going to talk to you and you are going to listen." Techno sat on the edge of the bed. "You have to get out of this room, Tubbo.  You have to get up, you have to go shower because I know you haven't done that, you have to eat something, and you have to look at the sun. Touch grass! Please Tubbo!"

"What's the point?" Tubbo mumbled.

"Look kid," Techno said. "I know you're hurting and angry and depressed as hell, but this isn't how to go about this! Your family is downstairs and they want to see you!"

"Not the one person that matters!" Tubbo sobbed. "I miss him so much!"

He curled up in a ball, and Techno pulled him close. "I know kid." He murmured. "I know it hurts like hell. But please just come downstairs. Come and eat something, that's all I want. That's all Ranboo would want."

"He did tell me to take care of myself...." Tubbo murmured.

"He did?"

"In a dream. When I was out." Tubbo explained.

"Not asking on that one, kid. Just... let's go eat something."

He led Tubbo downstairs, but just when he was grabbing the handle, Techno heard a door slam. Tubbo's ears flicked. "What was that?" He asked.

"No clue." Techno said, frowning. He ran downstairs. Wilbur was standing over the table, Phil looked angry, and Tommy was missing. "What happened?" Techno asked.

"Tubbo!" Phil tried to say cheerily. 

"Where's Tommy?" Tubbo demanded.

"He went upstairs." Wilbur replied sheepishly. "We kind of... fought."

Wattpad kind of broke... I had to get here by looking up the book and finding this draft. Anyways, let's TURN BACK TIME!!!

As Technoblade went upstairs to confront Tubbo, Tommy stabbed his pancake half heartedly. "Whatever." he mumbled. 

Wilbur let his fork drop. "Alright. That's it." Phil gave him a warning look, but Wilbur plowed on bravely. "Techno's right. It's time we start putting our life back together." 

"Easy for you to say." Tommy snarled. "You hated Ranboo." 

"Excuse me?" Wilbur demanded as Phil cried. "Tommy!" 

"You hated Ranboo!" Tommy yelled. "Ever since he accidentally started the fire!" 

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I forgave him a long time ago." 

"Sure ya did." Tommy scoffed. "Techno may have, but you certainly didn't." 

"Oh fuck you!" Wilbur cried. "You didn't even like Ranboo! You were always jealous of him and Tubbo! It was obvious." 

"That doesn't mean I wanted him to die!" Tommy screamed! 

Wilbur stepped back, reeling. "Tommy..." Phil murmured, trying to reach for his son. 

It was too late, and Tommy fled. 


"I'll go talk to him." Tubbo said decisively. "It's probably the best." 

Wilbur nodded. "Tell him I'm sorry?" 

"I will." Tubbo said, heading upstairs. 



Cliffhanger lol. 

So the next chapter gets ANGSTY and therefore I just wanted to warn you. 

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



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