I'm going home, bitches!!!

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Wilbur burst into Tommy's hospital room, waking him up. "TOMMY!" he exclaimed. 

Tommy blinked, tired. "Wilby???" he slurred. "What is up with you?" 

"Great news!"

"You and Tubbo figured out there's a gift shop here?" Tommy rolled his eyes. "And Tubbo's raiding it for you?" 

"No. Well, yes." Wilbur blinked. "How did you- Never mind. You're interrupting me! You're being discharged!!!!" 

"Really?!" Tommy cried. "I get to go home?!" 

"Yep!" Techno came in behind Wilbur. "Phil's getting the paperwork all filled out now." Techno said. 

"Sick!" Tommy exclaimed. "I was wondering when you'd bust me out of here." 

Badboyhalo laughed. "You know, you're going to have to come back here for check ups." 

"Noooooooooooooo!" Tommy wailed. 

Bad grinned. "I feel like that should be a problem I should worry about." 

Techno laughed. "Tommy's just trying to be as dramatic as Wilbur." he said.  

"I ain't dramatic!" Wilbur screamed. 

"Okay, okay. Stop. You three are insane muffin heads." Bad took the IV out of Tommy's arm and got rid of all the little wires. "Alright. Let's get you in the wheelchair." 

"Why do I need a wheelchair? My legs are fine." Tommy said. 

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "I needed one when I was discharged too." 

"Same here." Ranboo said, stepping into the room. "And Tubbo....." 

"SURPRISE!" Tubbo screamed, bursting into the room. In his arms he had a massive cow in his arms. "LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" 

Tommy tried to hide in his wheelchair. "Okay okay! Hi Tubbo! Awwwwww, he's cute!" 

"He's for you!" Tubbo announced. "Do you like him?" 

"OF course I do! He's adorable!" Tommy smiled. "Thank you big T!" 

"Big T?" Tubbo asked. 

"Big T." 

Techno grabbed the wheelchair and shoved the cow on Tommy's lap. "I'm getting you out of this place." he said. "Before you lose your mind." 

"Fine by me!" Tommy shouted. "I'm going home bitches!!!!"

"Please try and keep your voice down." Bad instructed. "We do have patients here, muffin." 

"Muffin?" Tommy asked. 



Tommy grinned when they met Phil at the reception desk. "Hey big man! What's up dude?" 

Phil smiled. "Hey Toms! How are you!" 

"I'm great big man!" Tommy replied. "I'm outta here! Life is goooooood!" 

"Alright, lower your voice, you're in a hospital." Phil laughed. 

"Not for long!" Tommy smiled. 

"Let's go let's go let's go!" Wilbur cried. "I'm driving the wheelchair!" 

"Absolutely not!" Techno yelled, grabbing one handle. Wilbur grabbed the other. 

"Guyyyyysss!" Tommy said, clinging onto the wheelchair. "Philllllllllllll!" 

Ranboo and Tubbo laughed. "Is it always this chaotic?" Ranboo asked. 

"Yep." Phil said, grabbing the handles from Techno and Wilbur. 

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