Awakening pt. 2

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Tommy's eyes slowly opened to a blinding white room and burning pain. 

"Mmmm." he complained. 

"Oh! You're awake muffin!" 

Tommy blinked a few times, trying to focus. "I'll go get your family, stay awake." 

Tommy blinked again. Where the hell am I? He tried to sit up, only being stopped by pain. 



Tommy turned. His father, Philza minecraft was standing in the doorway. Tubbo and Ranboo were on either side of him. "Tommy!" he cried, running over. 

Tommy blinked again, confused. His brain was all smoky and he couldn't remembered what had happened. 


In a second, the memories came flooding back. Tommy coughed, trying to talk. "W-W-Water." he struggled out. 

Bad nodded. "Here." he said, taking a cup and helping Tommy drink it. "How are you feeling?" 

"Hurts. My body burns." 

Bad nodded. He pressed the morphine button Tommy had gotten last time he was here. "Fifteen minutes, remember?" 

Tommy nodded. "H-How's Wilby? Where's Techie?" 

"They're in their own hospital room, but they'll be out soon." Phil ruffled Tommy's hair affectionately. "Are you okay?" 

Tommy nodded again. "I just hurt all over. I'll be alright." He smiled at Ranboo. "Glad you got out." he said. 

Ranboo looked uncomfortable. "Uh... yeah..." he said. 

They stayed for a bit longer, then Bad announced that Tommy should rest. "Visiting hours are almost over anyways." he said. 

Phil nodded and lead the boys out of the room. Ranboo followed quietly behind. 

Then he saw him. 

The voice in his head, leaning nonchalantly on the wall. Hello Ranboo. 

Ranboo froze. "No..." he whispered. 

Phil turned. "Ranboo?" he asked. 

Did you miss me? I missed you.

Ranboo started shaking. "Ranboo?!" Phil demanded. 

Ranboo stared past Tubbo. "He's back." Ranboo whispered. 

Tubbo stiffened. "Oh Boo...." He wrapped his arms around Ranboo's waist. "He's not real. Don't listen to him." 

"He's right there." 


I can't believe you're still here.

"What do you mean?" 

After what you did. Starting that fire. How could anyone ever still accept you?

"W-What?" Ranboo whispered. 

Don't you know? You've been enderwalking Ranboo. You lit that fire. You hurt Tommy. You hurt everyone

"N-No..." Ranboo whispered. "I.... I didn't, I swear." 

You did. 

"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked, but Ranboo didn't hear him. "What is he saying?" 

"I didn't do anything. I didn't light the fire." 

Tubbo stepped away. "What?!" 

You did. You were enderwalking. You were in the kitchen. You lit the fire. 

"No.... I didn't. I couldn't!" 

You did. 



"Stop. Leave me alone!" 

Gladly, you've already admitted everything anyways. 

Ranboo looked around as the voice disappeared. Phil and Tubbo were staring at him. "Uh...." Ranboo froze up. 

"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked. "What was that about? Did you say.... the fire...." 

Ranboo ran. 

"Wait!" Tubbo and Phil cried. 

He raced through the hallways, dodging people left and right. The voice could sometimes reveal flashbacks or memories to Ranboo and he was seeing one now. 

Him, enderwalking through the kitchen. The stove was on fire. He was screaming in enderman, but Ranboo couldn't make out the words. 

He really did start the fire. 

He ran outside, not sure where he was going. He just wanted out of there. 

Of course, his smoke filled lungs couldn't go very far. He collapsed in the garden, sobbing. 


Ranboo whipped his head up. Phil was sitting next to him. "Are you.... What's wrong?" 

"I did it!" Ranboo sobbed. "I started the fire!" 

"What are you talking about?" Phil asked. 

"It was me! I was ender walking downstairs and I started the fire! This is all my fault!" 

Phil gently wiped the tears from Ranboo's burning cheeks. "Tell me what happened."

"I.... I don't remember! I just remember being in the kitchen and the stove was on fire and I was enderwalking and screaming and-" Ranboo broke off, sobbing. 

Phil sighed. "I did this to them! Everything that happened! It's all my fault! I should be in those beds, not them! They shouldn't have to suffer for my stupidity! I just deserve to die!" Ranboo bawled. 

"Enough." Phil said firmly. "This wasn't your fault. Ranboo, look at me." 

Ranboo looked up, tears in his eyes. Phil cupped his chin gently. "This was not your fault. You couldn't control it. You didn't purposefully set the house on fire in any way. This was all just a freak accident. Were you a part of that accident, yes. But that does not make it your fault. You have to believe that." 

Ranboo sniffed. "If they die I'll never-" 

"They're not going to die." Phil interrupted. "They were all awake, and they're all going to be okay." 

"I want to tell them." Ranboo whispered. "I want to tell them all what happened." 

Phil nodded. "We can do that." he said. "But you won't be alone. They'll feel the same. And you don't have to feel obligated to tell them." 

"I do." Ranboo said firmly. "I have to tell them. They deserve to know." 

Phil smiled gently. "Okay. We can tell them together, alright?" 

Ranboo nodded. 


Which'll be the next chapter. 

Oh my gosh what I have planned after this arc. Just wait my friends. It's coming. 

Anyways, stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind. Let me know if I should put any TW's in this chapter because I wasn't sure. 



P.S. This is the most depressing Philza song ever watch. I've only ever cried to one song (Except Passerine) and this is it.

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