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Tw; Panic attacks, recap of the last few tortures... I mean chapters. XD

Tommy's eyes fluttered open. 

"Good morning." a stranger greeted. 

Tommy looked over. A man with blue hair and a light blue hoodie was watching him. "My name's Skeppy, what's yours?" 

"T-Tommy." Tommy sat up. "Where are my brothers? Where's my Dadza?" 

"They're right outside. I just wanted to talk to you, just one on one." 

"Why?" Tommy asked. 

Skeppy smiled. "Well, that's my job." he replied. "I'm part of the mental ward in this hospital. They use fancy words like psychiatry but I just listen to people talk about their problems and then help them work through it. So what's up?" 

"What?" Tommy asked. 

"What's your life like? What's your story?" Skeppy smiled. "Whatever you'd like to talk about."

"You're trying to get me to talk about my trauma or whatever, aren't you?" Tommy said. 

"If that's what you'd like." Skeppy smiled. 

"Are you a detective?" Tommy asked. 

"I already told you, I'm part of the mental ward here at the hospital. So what did happen, what was it like there?" 

"I....... It was terrifying." 

Slowly but surely, Tommy told Skeppy everything that had happened in that facility. Every torture, serum, experiment. 

"Do you know why they did these things to you?" Skeppy asked. 

"I th-think they w-wanted to study hybrids. And how we were resilient and our endurance and things like that." Tommy replied. "At least that's what it sounded like." 

"Hmmm......." Skeppy frowned. "Tommy, that's a lot of really bad things you went through, you know that?" 

"It hurt a lot." Tommy said. "All of it." 

"And mentally? Are you scared of what they may do to you?" Skeppy inquired. 

"W-Won't Dadza protect me?" Tommy asked. 

"I'm sure he will, I'm just wondering how you feel."

"I hear his voice in my head when I'm awake." Tommy whispered. 

"Whose?" Skeppy asked. 


"Ah." Skeppy said. "Yes. Clay wastaken was a major part in your life, wasn't he?" 

"He was my best friend." Tommy replied. "But then he told me that I was just getting in his way and he shot me! Clay shot me! He told me he couldn't do this without me! And now......" Tommy sobbed into his hands. 

"What did I do?" Tommy demanded. "What did I do to make him feel this way? Why did he think I was worthless?" 

"Did you?" Skeppy asked. 

"Did I what?"

"Did you do something to make him think you were worthless?" Skeppy raised his eyebrows. "I don't think you did. I think, he was messing with your head. He's trying to stay with you, even though he's dead." 

Tommy's head shot up. "He's... what?" he asked. 

"Were you unaware? Clay wastaken was found dead at the scene." 

Tommy's eyes filled up with tears, and he started hyperventilating. "No!" he sobbed. "No! He can't be dead! No!" 

"He was my best friend! He kept me going through all that time! He told me he'd stay together with me! That we'd always be together! We were going to make Logstedshire! We were going to be brothers!" 

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