MUMZA VIBES (oh yeah and the hospital so...)

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So... Where were we?

Oh yeah, everything going to hell. 

Let's continue with some poggers mumza vibes. 

TW; Needles, hospitals, guns, panic attacks, swearing (obvi) and.... yeah. 


Anyways, here's some angst. 

The EMT's pulled up. Wilbur saw one run over to Technoblade. The rest ran over to Phil. One ran over to the girl. He took her pulse, shaking his head sadly. 

Tommy collapsed, sobbing. He was shaking and whispering "Wilby... Wilby... I'm sorry..." 

"Tommy!" Wilbur cried. He ran over. Tommy was digging his claw-like hands into his ears so bad he was drawing blood. Wilbur sat down in front of Tommy. "Tommy, I'm alive. It's not me. Listen to my voice, Tommy. It's not me. I'm alive. It's okay." 

"It hurts." Tommy whimpered. "I'm so sorry!" 

"What hurts?" Wilbur asked. 

"Ph-Phantom pains." Tubbo stuttered. "From trauma. His side, probably." 

"Oh..." Wilbur struggled. "Uh... Tommy, I'm going to touch your chest, okay?" 

"W-Wilby..." Tommy whispered. 

Wilbur pressed his hand to Tommy's chest. Tommy's hands switched from grasping his ears to clutching Wilbur's hand. Wilbur pressed one of Tommy's hands to his own chest, still holding the other. "Breathe with me." Wilbur whispered. "Breathe with me. In." He over exaggerated his breathing in hopes his brother would follow. "Out." 

He took a few more breaths with Tommy, but they didn't seem to be working. The EMT that had pronounced whoever that girl was dead ran over. "Panic attack?" he asked. 

"I don't know what to do." Wilbur replied. "It's not working." 

"We can help him calm down." The EMT revealed a syringe. 

"Don't let him see it." Tubbo said. "He hates needles." 

So did Tubbo. Wilbur realized. The kid was doing an amazing job keeping it cool. The EMT nodded, coming up behind Tommy and managing to insert it into the boy's neck. 

"There." he said as Tommy's breathing began to even out. "It helps to calm him. Let's get you three into an ambulance, okay?" 

"My dad?" Wilbur asked. "My brother?" 

"They'll be riding separately. Let's go." 


Kristen burst into a hospital wing. "Where is he?" she demanded. "Where is Philza?" 

She zeroed in on one of the poor night nurses who had to deal with the six a.m. shift after a night and just wanted to go home. "Please, can you help me find him? Or his boys? Oh no, what happened to his boys? I have to find them! I have to-" 

"Kristen?" a voice whimpered behind her. 

Kristen whirled around to see Wilbur, with one arm around a sleeping Tubbo and the other being used as a pillow by Tommy. Wilbur looked sad, scared, and exhausted. 

Kristen ran over to him. "Wilbur." she breathed. "You're okay. Have you heard anything?" 

Wilbur shook his head, trying hard to keep it together. Kristen gently cupped his chin in one of her hands. "You don't have to be an adult right now." she said. 

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