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"Experiment." Sapnap growled. 

Tommy got up silently. It had been two months since he'd been captured. Two long, lonely months. Sure, he had Clay, and he thought for a while he had Tubbo and Ranboo, but he missed Wilbur, Technoblade, and Dadza. They were his family. All Tommy wanted was to see them again. 

He kept that want silent though, since Clay didn't like to talk much about his family. That was fine, Tommy could keep his own family underwraps if it made Clay feel better. 

It was starting to get easier to keep Clay happy. They were becoming really good friends, and really close. When they got out of here, Tommy was considering adopting Clay into the family, so he'd finally have someone he could trust. They'd get through everything together, because Clay would never hurt Tommy. 

Tommy started to walk towards the usual experiment room. "Where are you going?" Sapnap demanded. "We're doing something new today. Come on." 

He led Tommy down a different hallway. Tommy just followed. 

He went into a different room that looked the exact same. White walls, one door that Sapnap locked immediately, mirror that was obviously a one way window so Dream could watch Tommy. Tommy sat on the floor and waited for the suffering to begin. 

He thought for a second about Ranboo. After their fight, Tubbo quit talking to Tommy, but Ranboo tried a few times. He'd come over to Tommy's room last night and knocked, but Tommy had just ignored him, too tired to deal with anyone. Besides, Clay never knocked. He always opened the door. Tommy appreciated that, it meant he didn't have to get up. 

Suddenly, a little device rolled close to Tommy. Throughout the experiments, Tommy had started to revert to his hybrid instincts, meaning he often acted more raccoon than human. Tommy screeched when he realized the device was a bomb. He scampered to the corner, curling into a ball and covering his ears. 

The bomb went off, covering Tommy with shrapnel. "Shit!" he heard someone exclaim. A man with a smiley face mask covering everything but his mouth loomed over Tommy. "George, get him up to the infirmary. Sapnap, Quackity, take care of this hole. Karl, help me make plans to enforce this room so that holes like this don't happen again."

Tommy's head lolled to the side as George picked him up. He noticed light in a section of the wall. The explosion must have made a hole into the outside world! 

George took him out of the room. Wait! No! This was his chance! He could finally escape! He could get out of here!

Tommy hesitated. Clay. he thought. If he left, what would happen to Clay. 

But.... Technoblade, Wilbur, Philza! He needed to get back to them! He needed to see his brothers again! 

I'll come back. Tommy insisted. I'll get the police, my brothers, I'll come back for Clay. I will, I promise. I'll come back. 

He flexed his muscles in George's grip, who shifted. Suddenly, Tommy kicked up, managing to hit George in the jaw with his knee. George, in shock, dropped Tommy, who ran. 

"HEY!" George yelled, hitting a button on the wall. 

The entire compound's alarms went off. Tommy's ears flattened to his skull. The noise hurt, but he knew he had to keep going. 

He must have mistimed the door, since he was suddenly in the control room. "Uh..." Tommy just started pushing buttons. 

That's when the explosions started to go off. 

Looking back, Tommy wasn't sure whether or not it was him who lit off the explosions. They just started going off, and Tommy started to run through the hole in the wall, ignoring how much the building was shaking. 

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