Bit more Tommy... angst.

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Tw; running away. Mentions of past abuse, frostbite. Medical shit. Lots of swears. Bad thoughts. Mentions of s**cide, bb gun???

Okay okay okay okay okay...

SO, I know that Ponk and Sam aren't exactly together.
Fuck you this is my story and I'll do what I want *Insert over the top dramatic hair flip*

So... Tommy Innit was fucked. 

Not literally

Let him explain. 

Tommy Innit, resident big man (besides Philza) and woman haver, was incredibly bored. 

Phil wouldn't let them go outside because it was raining. Wilbur was out playing in his band and Technoblade was at the library waiting for him to finish. Tubbo was having a bad day and was tired, so he was napping or whatever. Phil was working, whatever that meant if you know what I'm saying 😏 

Tommy was bbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddd. 

So he may or may not have snuck into Techno's room where he technically wasn't supposed to be alone...

And he may or may not have stolen Techno's bb gun which he technically wasn't supposed to have... 

And may or may not have taken it outside where he technically was allowed to go without permission...

And may or may not have tried hitting a few of the trees which he technically wasn't supposed to do... 

And Apollo may or may not have ran in front of Tommy's bb gun (Oh yeah, he was totally stealing this thing it was his now) and gotten hit...

So Tomathy Theseus Danger Innit Minecraft was most definitely fucked. 

So Tomathy Theseus Danger Innit Minecraft just left. 

He just walked away. He was already struggling against emotions and thoughts of no one wanting to be with him because he was horrible, and this just made him snap. He knew he'd fuck something up eventually, so now Phil wouldn't have to deal with him. Or Techno. Techno loved that dog! He would kill Tommy! 

Tommy kicked a rock, traveling further into the trees. Stupid. That's what he was. A fuck up. He fucked everything up for everyone, especially himself. That's what he always did. He fucked everything up. 

The thought spiral tightened, taking Tommy with it. He shot a dog. He shot Apollo! The poor dog had let out a terrible yelp of pain that wrenched Tommy's heart! He couldn't even see if Apollo was bleeding, but he probably was! 

And Tommy caused it. He'd hurt Apollo! Techno was going to kill him. Tommy was about to kill himself. 

Tommy always messed something. Before he'd met Phil he'd left one home after another trying to escape his own mistakes that got him beaten or starved or neglected. 

He wandered into the forest with no food, no money, no water, and no plan. He literally had only the clothes on his back, but the lack of supplies didn't matter. He didn't deserve to go back and actually gather supplies, or risk being seen. He didn't deserve shit. Not from anyone. Not anymore. 

Tommy wound up in a town when he broke away from the trees. It was also snowing. "Shit." he swore. He didn't want to be seen, not until he could get far away from his old home. 

He wasn't sure when, but it had started snowing harder. Tommy had been walking for hours. Hungry, cold, and tired, Tommy collapsed onto a bench and closed his eyes. 


When Tommy awoke, he didn't feel right. 

He was frozen, yet he seemed too cold to show it, since he couldn't even shiver. He saw cars go by and birds fly and snow fall, but it was all blurry and hazy. Tommy tried to cry, but he couldn't, the cold practically freezing the tears to his cheeks. 

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