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Somebody please check out this incredible SMP song by Kroh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbRim4PCvac I listen to so much music when writing, it keeps me sane. 

Tw; Aquaphobia. 

Ranboo and Tommy were left home alone. 

They were old enough, but Phil was really nervous. He'd gotten Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo new phones, so they could call him if needed, but Phil was kind of worried. What if something happened? What if they got hurt or Quackity got them somehow or they went missing or something? 

Technoblade and Wilbur had assured him that it was going to be fine, Tommy had been home alone a few times, Ranboo had been living on his own for years with Tubbo, they'd look out for each other and they wouldn't be gone that long blah blah blah. Phil finally agreed, but not without mass amounts of hesitation. 

Anyways, Tommy was climbing around the new climbing room. Ranboo watched him from the floor and was watching Youtube on his phone. Tommy swung from one rope onto a platform, but he missed and grabbed onto the edge. 

"AHHHH!" he yelled. The floor was padded so they couldn't get hurt if they fell, but Tommy still didn't want to fall. 

"Can you climb up?" Ranboo called. 

Tommy tried, but he couldn't pull himself up. He ended up falling, and he slammed one of his hands on the ledge. 

"OW! FUCK!" he yelled. 

"Are you alright?" Ranboo asked. 

Tommy smirked. "Yeah. I'm alright, boob boy." 

"Can you not call me that? Also your hand is bleeding." 

Tommy sighed. "Nope! And I'll go get a bandage or something. I'll be back!" He ran out of the room. 

Ranboo sighed and rolled his eyes. 

Did you miss me? 

Ranboo's eyes widened and he whirled around. There was the oh so familiar shape of the voice in his head. Ranboo gasped. It had recently taken the form of Dream, since they were both Ranboo's nightmares, and therefore it was even more terrifying. 

"I thought I got rid of you." Ranboo whispered. 


"No... I got rid of the voice, I got rid of it!" 

Do you feel any shame, Ranboo? 


In what you did. In what you haven't even told Tubbo. 

Ranboo's eyes widened. "I- I had to do that. I had to!" 

DId you? Did you really? 

"Yes." Ranboo said. "I had to, to protect Tubbo!" 

So why didn't you ever tell him? Why didn't you tell him when he asked about the blood on your hands? Why did you lie? 

Ranboo slid down the wall, curling up into a ball with his hands on his black and white ears. "I had to...... I didn't want to scare him." 

How do you know? How do you remember? What if you're wrong? 

"No." Ranboo whispered. "It's what my book says." 

What if your book is wrong? What if your book is lying? 

What if you're a danger to yourself? 

"Go away!" Ranboo cried, trying not to alert Tommy. The only person who knew about this voice was Tubbo, because Ranboo had woken up afraid of the person standing in front of him, then Tubbo said he couldn't see him. 

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