Pain and Suffering

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After that, Tommy found himself spending more time with Clay. 

He still talked to Ranboo and Tubbo, but he found himself spending more and more time with Clay. Clay seemed more like a brother to Tommy. Besides, Clay had about as much clingy energy as Tommy, and spent it all on Tommy. He seemed.......interesting, psychologically. Like he'd convinced himself everything was fine a long time ago, and now nothing could change that idea. No matter what Tommy did or said, Clay constantly seemed like everything was fine. Like he was unbothered. No matter how much Tommy talked about his home, Clay never said anything about his life before he was captured. He never seemed like he had something he was waiting to go home for. 

"What's your family like?" Tommy would ask. 

"Fine. Yours?" Clay would reply. 

"Do you have siblings?" Tommy asked another time. 

Clay shrugged. 

Tommy got the sense he didn't want to talk about it, so he'd drop the subject. 

For now, he was mostly trying to survive. The Feral Bois spent a lot of time torturing Tommy into submission. He'd tried to start a few more fights, but was often shut down. 

Then they inserted the chip. 

This computerized chip would send shocks up and down Tommy's entire system. It was inserted into his neck, where all of his nerves were, causing so much pain for Tommy. They also inserted some sort of serum into his arm, but it didn't do anything to Tommy. He started to get nauseous if he didn't eat for one day, begging Clay for any sort of food if he missed breakfast because of experiments. Clay would always give him some bread, he was kind like that. 

Tommy also was still being experimented on every day. He was always dragged into the same room, but they seemed to be experimenting on his tolerance for pain. He'd been put into fires, almost drowned, poisoned, and taken to the infirmary too many times to count. Clay was always there for him, comforting him and letting him cry. He understood if Tommy needed to stay in bed for the rest of the day, because he was hurting and exhausted. 

One day, Tommy was walking to Clay's room, his experiments done for the day. His neck began to hurt, aching with lightning pain shooting from the chip. Tommy cried out, falling to the ground. His hand instinctively went to his neck, making the pain worse. It hurt to move, it hurt to think. And Tommy couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. The pain was so so so bad. 

"Tommy?" A door opened, and all of a sudden Clay was there. "Tommy? What's going on? Is it the chip? What did you do?" 

"I didn't- It- It- Clay!" Tommy cried. "I'm not- I'm not doing anything! P-please, make it- make it stop!" 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's going on! I swear! Try to breathe, it'll be over soon. Breathe with me, Tommy." 

Soon, the pain faded, and Tommy started to cry. "I hate it here!" Tommy exclaimed. "I hate it here and their hurting me and we can't do shit about it!" 

Clay helped Tommy stand. "Shhh. I know. It's over now. Let's get you back to your room, so you can rest." 

He guided Tommy back into his bed, and Tommy passed out almost immediately. 

Pov switch to Dream. 

I hope you know why I'm so mad at Clay. And why writing this is very hard for me. 

Dream walked into the command center. Quackity and Sapnap were watching the cameras. "What was that?" he demanded. 

Quackity turned. "What?" he asked. 

"You know what! Tommy!"

"You mean 62." 

"Of course I do, sorry. Why were you randomly messing with 62's chip?" Dream demanded. 

"For the fun of it." Sapnap replied. "We're more powerful. Besides, he was going to see 'Clay' or whatever, so we decided to spice it up a bit." 

Dream nodded. "Good job." he said. 

Quackity and Sapnap exchanged a look. "Wait seriously? Uh.... okay???" 

"He's becoming more dependant on Clay. He's getting closer. It's perfect. This'll just be another turning point." Dream smirked, swiping his blonde hair out of his face. His green eyes gleamed, not that anyone could see. 

Quackity smirked. "You make it sound like he's another person. We know it's you, Clay." 

Dream rolled his eyes. "I told you. Clay is me but also someone else. Split personality or whatever." 

"So when are you going to tell him you're Dream?" Sapnap asked. 

Dream shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe never. I may just wait for him to figure it out. It's kind of fun, in an odd sense." 

Quackity and Sapnap exchanged another glance, then shrugged. "Okay." Quackity conceded. "Nice touch with the whole Logstedshire thing, by the way." 

Dream smirked. "Yeah, that was too easy. I'd hate to think it was that simple to break Tommy's spirits, but who cares at this point? It's just a fun game, for me." 

Quackity smiled. "So what's the plan?" 

For all of you who didn't know Dream's real name is Clay. 

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