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A week after Tommy was found, Wilbur burst into Phil's office. 

"We have to keep Tommy." Wilbur demanded. 

Phil looked up, semi-distracted. "What?" he asked. 

"You have to adopt Tommy! He's the perfect completion of our family! If you put him back out on the streets now that he's healing, you'll kill him! Everything inside him, you'll kill it! He has to stay with us. He has too. Besides-" 

Besides what, Wilbur? He had to think of something. "B-Besides, me and Techno love him! If you take him out of our lives, you'll destroy us! Techno's really connecting to the little gremlin, and he never connects with anybody! It took so long for him to connect with me! But he loves Tommy and I love Tommy and Tommy loves us and you can't get rid of him! Please don't throw him out on the streets, Dadza! W-W-We love him." 

Wilbur started crying, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Phil watched him blow up. "Do you feel better now?" he asked. 

Wilbur nodded. 

"Good. Now, did I give you any implications I was going to get rid of Tommy, or kick him out?" 

Wilbur frowned. "I.... I d-don't know. But you can't!-" 

"Wilbur." Phil interrupted. "I love Tommy just as much as you do. I wouldn't dream of throwing him back out onto the streets. He belongs with us. And it's not safe out there." 

Wilbur lit up. "Y-You mean it?" 

Phil nodded. "Of course. I love Tommy!" 

Suddenly there was a crash from upstairs, followed by pounding footsteps. "Get back here! You little shit!" Techno yelled. 

High pitched Tommy cackling was heard right after. 

Phil and Wilbur ran out of Phil's office. 

Techno was chasing after Tommy, who had his sword in his hands. "Get back here! That's not safe! Tommy!" 

Tommy ran right past Phil and Wilbur. Phil bent down to try and grab Tommy, and almost cut himself on the sword. Tommy dodged him and kept running. 

Techno stopped. "Little shit! He stole my sword!" he exclaimed. 

"Are you out of breath after chasing a ten year old?" Wilbur asked. 

"Tommy!" Phil called. "Give Techno back his sword!" 

"Awwww." Tommy mumbled. "I was just playing with him." 

Wilbur lit up. "I'll play with you, Tommy. What do you want to do?" 

Tommy left the sword and Techno was able to scoop it up. After putting it in a safer spot Techno joined the brothers in playing hide and seek until dinner. 

Little filler, it just felt too rushed of a book. So here you guys go!!!!!

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