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Technoblade was startled out of his book by Wilbur bursting into his room.

"Techno, have you seen Tommy?" he demanded. 

"No???" Techno asked. 

"Did he say he was going anywhere?" Wilbur's eyes pleaded for an answer. 

"Not that I remember." Techno said. "Why? Can't you find him?" 

"If I could find him, I wouldn't be asking you where he is, now would I?" Wilbur looked really scared. "Techno, I haven't seen him all day. Please tell me you've seen him somewhere, or he told you he was going to some friend's house or the woods or..... I don't know, something. Please!" 

"Okay, okay. Tommy knows not to leave without permission from Phil. Let's just ask him." Techno stood up, and Wilbur followed him to the phone. 

Most days, Phil worked from home. However, there were some days he needed to go into his office, and this was one of those days. 

"Okay, okay. I have the phone I'm calling him." 

Techno held the phone up to his ear. "Hey, Phil. We were just wondering, did Tommy ask to go to the forest or something before you left?" 

Silence, Techno frowned. 

"Um... What do you mean no?" he asked. 

Panic rose inside Wilbur. "No?! What does he mean no?! Technoblade, ask him what he means! We haven't seen him all day! Techno, where is he?" 

"I don't know. Phil, we haven't seen Tommy since you left." *Silence* "No, I swear, nothing! Phil, we don't know where Tommy is." 

"Wilbur, you've checked all around the house, right?" 

"Yeah, yeah of course! I-I checked everywhere. He's not here, Techno. Techno where is he?" 

"Breathe." Techno said. "Breathe, Wilbur. Phil's on his way home now. We'll find him. We will find him." 

They didn't find him, not that night, not in the weeks after. Phil called literally everybody he knew, begging them to help him find Tommy. Techno's lack of sleep got even worse, often going for days or weeks on end with no sleep, spending nights searching endlessly for his brother, barely going back home for food half the time. Most days Phil had to force him to bring some food with him.

Wilbur got worse. After days of panicking, worrying, and searching through the woods for his brother, Wilbur found Tommy's phone. He raced back into the house, panicking, practically screaming. 


He kicked the door down and practically slammed the phone onto the table. It's screen was cracked, and the phone was dead but the case was a case that was special to only one kid. It was the three boys, Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy, all smiling and flipping off the camera. It had been a snow day, Tommy's first, and Tommy had begged Phil to print out the picture. 

"W-Where did you find this?" Phil asked Wilbur. 

"The woods." he gasped out. "I found it- It was- I...." 

He started sobbing. "He's really gone!" he cried. "Tommy's gone!:

Wilbur fell to his knees, sobs ripping from his chest. "I can't- He- Tommy!!!" he sobbed. 

Phil sat next to him with his wings wrapped around Wilbur. "I know. Try and breathe, Wilbur." 

"I'm so scared!!!" Wilbur sobbed. "Where is he! I just want him home! I just want my little brother back! I just want my Tommy back! Please Dadza, I want my brother back." 

"Shhh." Phil murmured. "I know. I know you're scared. I know you want Tommy back. We are doing everything we can. I promise, I promise." 

"It's not enough!" Wilbur cried. "It's not enough because he's not home yet! He's not here! I want him here! What can I do, Dadza? Tell me what I can do to get Tommy back. I will do anything! I'd die to get Tommy back, I swear! Please! What can I do? Tell me! What can I do to get Tommy home?"

Phil's heart shattered into a million pieces. There was his only biological son, begging and pleading for Phil to fix this, to sprinkle some Dadza magic and make it all go away. Phil couldn't. He hated that he couldn't, he hated that there was nothing he could do. He hated the fear, the not knowing of where Tommy was, where his little boy was. 

"I'm so sorry, Wilbur." he whispered. "I'm so sorry that it's not enough. I'm so sorry Tommy's not home. I'm so sorry we have to go through this but I promise it does not end like this. Tommy will come home. We will be a family again, I promise." 

"I promise." 

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