Hee hee, we're not doing anything...

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Chapter song; Chessboard- Dream- Amanda Fagan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMyLMbpgBDA

"Alright, here's the plan." 


Wilbur limped out of his room. "Dadza! Can I borrow your phone?" he asked. 

Phil shrugged. "Sure? What's up?" he handed Wilbur his phone. 

"Oh, I just need to look up something for my history class but my phone is dead and my laptop is downstairs so I was going to grab that but this is easier." Secretly, Wilbur was sending Techno Phil's girlfriend's number. He assumed it was the girl named Kristen, since everyone else had (work) next to their names, or were one of the boys. Besides, he'd never heard of her. He immediately deleted the text after it sent. 

"Thanks Phil!" Wilbur said, limping into Techno's room. 

"Wait, I thought you were doing research? Like homework? Why are you going into Techno's room?" Phil asked. 

"To ask him what he knows about the American Revolution!" Wilbur grinned. "Because if anyone knows something about the overthrowing of a government and creation of another, it's Techno!" He grinned and went into Techno's room, closing the door. "Did you get it?" he asked. 

The other boys were waiting in Techno's room. "Yep!" Techno grinned. 

Unknown number; Hey Kristen. This is Phil. Tommy broke my phone and now I'm waiting for another. This is my work phone for the time being. 

"Why do I have to be the one to break it?!" 

"Hush, Tommy." 

Kristen; Oh that's so funny! How did it happen?

"Uh.... Tommy how would you break a phone." 


"That would light a fire, Tubbo." 



Philza; He didn't believe the whole don't put phones in the microwave thing and decided to test it. Instead of letting him use his phone, Tubbo gave him my phone. He learned. 

Kristen; Oh no! Is he alright? 

"She's nice." 

Philza; He's fine.
So... I was wondering if you'd want to... go get food sometime? 

"Way to come on strong man." 

"Oh please shut up! I'm aromantic. I don't know what the hell I'm doing." 

I made Techno aromantic btw. I don't assume he was in real life, but he is in this so...

Kristen; With you? On a date? What will you tell the kids?!
:) Just joking. I'd love to go. What were you thinking?

Philza; Whatever you'd like, baby.

"Absolutely not Tommy!" 

"You guys are no fun." 

"Baby?! What are we in, high school?" 

"Yes! WE are!" 

"Give me the damn phone." 

What Philza actually said;

I'm not sure, the first time should be special. Any ideas? What's your ideal date? 

Kristen; Well, we both like Italian. 

"Perfect. There's an Italian restaurant not far from here. Let's set them up for tomorrow." 

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