Wedding, anyone?

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So... I ran out of things to write. 

So a couple months later and Phil's healed. Guess what? They're getting married. 

Please listen to this wonderful animatic if you can cause part of the chapter. When the Day Met the Night; Panic at the disco. It's a Phil and Kristen animatic. 

Okay so sorry about the late chapter. Yesterday wattpad  had some server issues and I couldn't access anything it was like I had no account at all. Also... I may or may not have a new (it's happened before) addiction with SMP cosplay and those videos so... procrastination woo!

TW; Vomiting and simping



Phil stepped back as Niki raced past him. 

"Sorry Phil! I just need to- Don't go near the bride with that! Put the makeup brush down! Drop it!" 

Phil rolled his eyes. Niki and Kristen were pretty good friends, and Kristen had asked her to help her with hair and makeup for today. In other words, the only person permitted to touch the bride so leave her alone! 

All of Phil's boys had jobs too. Technoblade was Phil's best man, Wilbur was in charge of music and even learned piano as a secondary instrument for the ceremony. Tubbo was flower boy, and Tommy was the ring bearer. 

Phil entered the side room where the groomsmen were getting ready. "Tommy! Get back here with my shoe!" Techno ran past Phil. 

The room was in chaos. "Who the hell has the rings?!" 

"I lost my tie!" 

"Where's  my tuner?" 

"Never mind! Found them!" 

"Tubbo! Sit still!" 

Phil rolled his eyes again with a grin and sat on the couch. Techno sat next to him and put on his stolen shoe. "How are you?" he asked. 

Phil shrugged. "Nervous. Excited." 

Techno nodded. "Apprehensive?" 

"Yeah, exactly." Phil smiled. "Remember when you couldn't speak a word of English?" 

Techno smiled fondly. "Then an amazing dad taught me everything I know." 

Phil gave him a watery smile. "Wait!" Techno chastised. "You can't cry on your wedding day! Next Niki will come in here with the makeup brush!" 

"Are you afraid of a 5"5 girl with a makeup brush?" Wilbur smirked, sitting across from them. 

"I'm afraid of that girl with a makeup brush, yes. Her wife already knows my secrets." Puffy was their therapist. 

"Hey!" Sam cried. "Why are you sitting around? Phil still needs to get ready!" 

Wilbur grinned. "Ready to get married, old man?" 

"Absolutely not." Phil answered honestly, making everyone laugh. 

Quickly- too quickly in Phil's opinion- The wedding began. 

I almost spelled that weeding. 

Ah yes, weeding.

Sam, who was officiating, stood at the front. Techno, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Ponk, and Antfrost, one of Phil's old friends, as well as Phil, stood to Sam's left. Tommy came down the aisle in his little suit, holding the rings. Tubbo skipped down the aisle, throwing petals and making everyone smile. "My Dadza's marrying a princess!" he said at the end, making everyone laugh. 

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