Title for the hell of it.

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If I scroll to the bottom one more time to create a new part........

Tommy woke up feeling like shit. 

Well, he'd been doing that. This was a little better, actually. At least, he didn't feel like he was going to vomit in the next thirty seconds so that was pog. 

He looked over and saw Wilbur, Techno, and Phil all asleep beside him. "Wil?" Tommy croaked. 

Wilbur's eyes fluttered open. "Tommy!" he whispered exclaimed. "Dadza, wake up! Tommy's awake!" 

"C-Can I have some water?" Tommy asked. "My throat hurts." 

"Of course Theseus." Techno said, filling a cup from water in the sink. "Here." He helped Tommy drink it. 

"How are you feeling?" Phil asked. 

"At three in the morning." Techno added. "Always an early riser, huh?" 

Tommy smiled. "I'm feeling alright. Kind of weak but better than I've felt in..... a while." 

"That's good." Phil praised, grinning. 

"The sooner you get better the sooner we can bust you out of this place." Wilbur said. 

"Yeah." Tommy murmured. "I wanna go home." 

Phil smiled gently. "I'm sure you'll go home soon, Toms. Really soon." 

"So this means the serum worked, huh?" Techno said, leaning against the wall. 

"What serum?" Tommy asked. 

"Tec, I think Bad wanted to see Tommy when he awoke. Can you go get him?" Phil asked. 

Techno nodded and walked out of the room. Wilbur followed, since he liked doing something to help. 

"They gave you a cure from one of the serums you were given at that..... that place." Phil said. 

"The facility?" Tommy asked. "That's what the Feral Bois always called it." 

"Oh, that reminds me. You'll be asked some questions by a detective, alright? Just to get your story. If there's anything you don't want to answer you don't have to. I know it must have been scary there, huh?" 

Tommy nodded. His eyes started to fill with tears. 

"I know, but you're safe now. You're going to be okay. We're all going to be okay." Phil promised. "You're going to get better, and you're going to always be safe. I promise." 

"I'm s-scared though. He's in my head. I can hear his voice. He's...... I'm so confused." Tommy whispered. 

"What are you confused about, Toms?" Phil asked. 

"I don't understand who Clay is. I don't understand how he was so nice to me but at the same time...... he was kind of like a brother to me! He wasn't like.... not like Wilby or Techno but still! He promised me that we'd get out of this place and that we'd make a country..... just the two of us.... XD I'm so stupid! He always said just the two of us. He never had any plans to involve you.... he just wanted it to be the two of us! I'm so stupid! I can't believe I fell for his stupid games and tricks and lies!" 

Tommy sobbed and Phil held his youngest close. "It's okay. That's what manipulators and liars do. It's not your fault, don't feel guilty." 

"i can just- I can just hear him telling me lies. About how we didn't need anyone else and that he wouldn't hurt me! He made it sound like..... He never talked about his past or a family, he'd just move past it! I always thought he was uncomfortable but he was just lying to me! I'm so stupid!" 

Bad burst into the room with Techno and Wilbur right behind him. "You need to leave, now. You're upsetting him." 

"No!" Tommy cried. "No wait! I need Dadza! Don't take Dadza away! I'll calm down I just-" he broke off, sobbing. "I'm so confused!" 

"Okay Tommy. Why don't you take a deep breath and answer some questions. Tomorrow we'll have psychology come in and look at you, alright?" 

Tommy nodded, taking a deep shuddering breath.

"Good." Bad praised. "Now, can you tell me what hurts and how much?" 

"Um.... My head hurts a little but it's not unbearable. My side really hurts quite a bit, and I feel kind of weak. Other than that I'm okay." 

"Alright." Bad said. "Do you need some meds to help you sleep or..." 

"Yeah." Tommy whispered. 

Bad inserted some meds into Tommy's IV drip. "Good, now let's let you get some sleep, alright?" 

Tommy nodded. 

Hey, just wanted to create an in between so that y'all know Tommy gets better sorry it's very short. He'll have more angst soon, promise. 

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