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Tommy had spent about a month in that horrid pit. 

He'd made a few friends, such as Tubbo, Ranboo, and Clay, but he was still suffering. Every day they experimented different serums and potions and such on Tommy, every morning. All the while Dream watched him suffer. Every afternoon Tommy was resting in his room because fighting for his life every day tired him out beyond belief. 

"Hey Toms!" Clay said with a smile. His green eyes seemed oddly happy. 

"Hello Clay." Tommy answered flatly. He'd just woken up from sleeping off the potion and it was about 3 p.m. 

Clay frowned. "Are you alright?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired. How often do you get experimented on?" Tommy asked. 

"About once a week, mostly strength stuff. Why?" Clay asked. 

"I get experimented on every day." Tommy murmured. "All these serums and stuff. What are they working on? What do they want from us?" 

Clay gave him a sympathetic look. "You must be something special." he said. "I've never heard of anyone getting experimented on every day!"

Tommy nodded, leaning on the wall. 

"Oh, you must be tired. Here, come with me." Clay said. He slipped his arm underneath Tommy's shoulders and led him to his room. 

It was the same as Tommy's. Just a little bed with one blanket on it, and a toilet next to it. Clay set Tommy onto the bed, then moved to the otherside of the room. He moved a brick out of the wall, and showed Tommy behind it. A few loaves of bread sat behind it. "Look." he said with a smile. "I steal these from the kitchen sometimes. They're fresh, and you look like you could use the meal." 

Tommy smiled tiredly. "Thank you." he murmured. What was this place, where a boy could get excited about stealing bread since he had nothing else better? "Clay." he whispered. "You know there's more to life than this, right?" 

Clay frowned. "Not for me." he whispered. "Tommy, not for me." 

"But why? You deserve it, Clay!" 

Tommy began to cry. "We all deserve it. Every one of us. You, me, Tubs, and Ran. We shouldn't have to be in this shithole. Fuck, Clay! I had a family! I had brothers! It can't end like this! It can't!" 

Clay wrapped his arm around Tommy again. Tommy cried into Clay's shoulder. "I want to go home." he murmured. "I don't wanna be here. I wanna go back to my brothers." 

Clay sighed. "I know." he murmured. "I know." 

Tommy sobbed. "I miss them so much. I really do. They were my brothers! And Dadza! I wanna go back to them!" 

"You know, we made a name, Wilbur and I. For our family. We were Sleepy Bois Inc. That was our family name!" 

"We could have a name." Clay interjected. "Like a little secret place. Let's make a pact. Someday, you and I will make it out of here. We'll create our own little place, just the two of us!" 

Tommy gave him a small smile. "That sounds nice." he said. 

"How about....... Logstedshire? That's what we'll do. Look at me, Tommy." he commanded. 

Tommy looked into Clay's eyes, who moved to hold Tommy's hands. "I, Clay wastaken swear that when we get out of here, you and I will run away together and create Logstedshire. Until then, I won't give up. I will not die. I promise." 

"I-I, Tomathy Theseus Danger Innit Minecraft, swear that when we get out of here, you and I will run away together and create Logstedshire. Until then, I won't give up. I will not die. I p-promise."

"Good." Clay said. "For now, it'll be the two of us, together. Forever." 

Tommy smiled. "Forever." he said. 

Am I the only one who's screaming at Tommy? 

We have so much more to go through, and I'm not sorry. 

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