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Wilbur smacked at the hands that grabbed him. 

"Dude, give me five seconds, and I'll let you go. I just wanna talk." an unfamiliar voice growled. 

"Let go of me ya piece of shit!" Wilbur yelled. 

"Geez, here." The man shoved Wilbur off of him. 

Wilbur got up and observed him attacker. He had a green hoodie on and a white smiley face mask covering everything but his mouth. Blonde hair poked out from the hood. 

"Name's Dream." he said. 

"Wilbur. What the hell are you doing to my little brother?" 

"What makes you think I'm doing anything?" Dream asked with a smirk. 

"My brother is fucking traumatized by what you and your little friends have done. He's desperately searching for the only kid who was nice to him in your little experiment. Now, I can understand the want to experiment with people, but you keep your fucking hands off my brother." Wilbur snarled. 

"Ohhhhh. You're talking about Clay." Dream smiled. "Ah, I don't think you do understand, let me show you something." 

He leaned over to a computer, where there were tons of cameras views. Wilbur watched Ranboo and Tubbo running after Tommy, who was still alone. They instead ran into Techno and Philza.

"Tommy?" Dream said over the loudspeaker. "Tommy. I-If you can hear me, it's Clay. I'm trying to find you. I'm in the room next to the mess hall. There's a b-bunch of cameras and I'm scared. Tommy, I-I don't know what's going on. Please come." 

Dream cut the loudspeaker, laughing. "This kid... I swear, your brother is the easiest little thing to manipulate." 

Wilbur took a step back. "Y-You know Clay?" he exclaimed, shocked. 

"Wilbur, I am Clay. That's my real name, not Dream. I decided to go undercover, and get a more....mental approach on my.....patients." 

"You mean your victims." Wilbur snapped. 

"Potato, pototo." Dream/Clay said. "Anyways, your brother was perfect. So I befriended him. I separate him from anyone else who cared him and made him dependant on me. It was so easy. I just had to give it a try. He loved me. It was adorable, really. Your brother was quite cute." 

"Don't talk about him." Wilbur growled. "You don't get to talk about my brother, not after what you did to him! You lied to him! You manipulated him!" 

"And I did it with a smile." Dream added. 

Wilbur punched him in the face.

It probably hurt Wilbur a lot more than it did Dream, seeming as his face was covered in porcelain or whatever. It definitely split Wilbur's knuckles, but he didn't care. It felt good. 

Dream looked at Wilbur. His mask was cracked. "I don't care what you do to me. It can't change the fact that you lost your brother for two months while he was being 'tortured' as you say. What kind of a brother loses his own, Wilbur? Huh?" 

"I didn't lose him." Wilbur growled. "And even if I did, I found him. He's back, with me, and he is safe." 

"Safe!" Dream exclaimed. "With all of our protocol, and tech, and experiments? Tommy will never be safe. We have a chip in his neck and serums that will poison him without the antidote. The antidote in the food we're feeding him. Your brother is traumatized, scarred and bleeding. You couldn't protect him, and you sure as hell can't protect him now." 

Wilbur snarled. "I will always protect my brother." 

"What happens if he hurts you?" Dream asked.

Suddenly, he jumped at Wilbur, and a gun went off. 

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