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Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were on and off all day long. 

They never seemed to be awake at the same time. The doctors gave the three meds to help them sleep, in order to give their bodies a chance to fight the infection. Tubbo was awake first, then he fell asleep and Tommy woke up, finally falling asleep and giving way to Ranboo. 

At least now they were all asleep. It made sense since it was four in the morning. Technoblade couldn't sleep. Phil had sent Wilbur home and was checking on him every half hour, whether calls or just showing up. He was going home to check on Wilbur again, leaving Techno with the boys. 

Insomnia was not fun when your brothers were sick. Techno was tired, but he just seemed too tired to fall asleep. (please take me away from here) He tried to close his eyes, but it seemed to just make the Chat louder every time. 

Awwwwwwwwwww poor bench trio... the chat whispered. 

Techno smiled at the name. He'd forgotten that the chat was calling his brothers Bench Trio ever since Techno had to pick them up from the park because it was getting late and he saw them chatting on a bench. 

Techno sighed, sitting backwards, his memories spinning of his brothers. When Tubbo began to create a garden in the backyard, and made Techno a larger space to farm potatoes, without Techno knowing. He loved watching Tubbo walk through his flowers and take care of them. 

Then there was when Tubbo ran into the house and made them all create flower crowns. Ranboo and Tommy's had been out of alliums. Phil's had been out of daisies. Wilbur's had been out of blue carnations. Techno's out of dethorned roses. At first all of the crowns had come out horrible, but Tubbo kept showing them and teaching how to make it easier. Techno was having the hardest time, but Tubbo just kept patiently helping him, until they got it right. 

Techno smiled, remembering how jittery and nervous Ranboo had been on his first day of school. He remembered walking down from the high school to meet them, and how they were talking about school excitedly. Ranboo had quite enjoyed his English teacher and class, even making a friend named Connor. (Let me know if we already used connor in this story I get so lost....) 

Techno looked back on helping the kids with their homework. Whether it was using orphans to help Tommy in math or reading to Tubbo in English. Tubbo also always came to him to proofread his work, something Techno did happily. He always found Tubbo intelligent, even with his dyslexia. His favorite essay from Tubbo is when he wrote about how he wanted to be a lawyer when he grew up. Techno thought it was the cutest thing. 

He evoked a memory from before Tubbo and Ranboo. An essay on the coffee table written by Tommy with the title My hero is my brother, Technoblade. Technoblade had read the entire thing, basically an essay about how Techno was the coolest person ever. 


Techno looked up. He hadn't realized, but there were tears on his cheeks. He'd missed when they'd fallen. Phil was standing in the doorway. "Are you alright, mate?" 

Techno wiped his cheeks. "They can't die, Phil." he whispered. 

Phil nodded. "I know." 

"They're my brothers! They can't!" Techno was shaking. "I love them." 

"It's going to be alright." Phil promised. "The doctors told me they're making a steady recovery, and should be home soon." 

Techno nodded. "Promise?" 

"I promise." 

"How's Wilbur?" Techno changed the subject. He didn't like crying in front of people. 

"He's alright. Recovering. He didn't get it nearly as bad as the others." Phil sighed. He then handed the keys to Techno. "I want you to go home. We've been here for four days and you haven't left the hospital once. Go home, sleep, take a shower and eat something that doesn't come from a cafeteria or a vending machine. Keep an eye on Wilbur and if you're here before ten a.m. tomorrow I'm going to kill you. You understand?" 

Techno frowned. "You'll call if anything changes?" 

"Of course." Phil smiled gently. "Go home. Get some sleep. Your meds are next to your bed." 

Technooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo walked out of the hospital soon after, driving home. His phone was dead (big shock) and he plugged it in for the car ride, checking it when he got home. 

Two days ago. Unknown number; Hey there cutie. Do ya remember me? 

Technoblade frowned at the screen, flopping on his bed. Uh.... I think you have the wrong number... 

He took his meds and passed out pretty quickly. The next morning he woke up and checked the time. 10:47. 

"Damn I slept late." Techno whispered. 

Check your phone. the voices said.


Check your phone. 
Look at your messages. 
This is fucking weird. 
Check. Phone. Blade. 

Techno sighed, checking his messages. 

Unknown number; You're Technoblade right? The cute guy who was in the guitar shop? 

Technoblade; Uh.... Yeah but I don't know who you are.... 

Unknown number; I'm Hannah. I'm the girl who you had modify the picks? You gave me your number. 

Technoblade; I gave the shop my number...

Guitar girl; Well, yeah... But you put it on a paper so I thought you were into me. I gotta say, I was into you. 😏

Technoblade; I'm sorry ma'am. I think you got the wrong idea. 

Guitar girl; Playing hard to get, I see. 

Techno dropped the phone. Luckily, it landed on his bed. He decided to just ignore it. He sent her I'm not interested. and went downstairs. 

Wilbur was down there, drinking tea. "Hey." Techno greeted. 

Wilbur looked up. "Hey." he croaked. "Sorry. Throat's sore." 

"It's alright." Techno shrugged. "Any word from Phil?" 

Wilbur shook his head. "Just to keep you from leaving until you showered an' ate." 

Techno rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I'm going." he said, stomping upstairs just to be dramatic. 


Look who finally got their ass in gear. I've been planning to write that for a while now. it was supposed to be a quick little end thing on the Christmas chapter. You saw how that turned out. 

I kept forgetting lol.....



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