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I hit random keys on the keyboard, and this is what we got. I liked it so much, I kept it (Mainly because I had no ideas....)

Wilbur awoke in a hospital room. It was horribly bright, and everything was white. 

And what was that obnoxious beeping?

He must have made some sort of noise, because suddenly Techno was at his side. "Wilbur?" he asked. 

Wilbur groaned, wondering why his side was burning and why he felt like shit. "Tommy?" he asked, his voice hoarse. 

"H-How do you feel?" Techno asked. 

"Where's Tommy?" Wilbur demanded. "Where is he?!"

He started trying to get up, and Techno held him down. "Hey hey hey hey hey, he's here! He's here! He's safe, Wilbur! He's alive!" 

Wilbur froze. 

"He's alive, he's here, and he's still unconscious. Phil's with him, now stop before you hurt yourself." Techno helped Wilbur lay back down. 

"W-What happened?" Wilbur asked. 

"Tommy, um, got shot, by Dream." Techno explained. 

"Shot?" Wilbur whispered.

"Yeah. Kind of like you. You two are a matching pair." Techno let out a forced dry laugh. "I, uh, I got you something." 

He handed Wilbur a white box, which he opened with shaky hands. Inside were two items. Dream's smiley face mask, and a human heart. 

Wilbur looked at Techno. "This isn't...." He gave Techno a sadistic smile. 

Techno nodded. "You always said you wanted to burn Dream's heart, so I made that wish a reality. And the mask was just for the hell of it." 

Wilbur smiled. "I love you, brother." 

Techno looked mildly uncomfortable. "Yeah, well, it's not that big of a deal, it's just a little thing.... I..... I love you too, Wilbur." 

He gently punched Wilbur on the arm. "Which is why you're not allowed to die on me like that! What were you thinking, getting shot like that?! Phil was so scared!" 

Wilbur's smile faded. "Uh, where is Phil?" he asked. 

"With Tommy." Techno answered. "He's fine, don't worry. We've been waiting for a week for you two to wake up." 

"Why isn't Tommy awake?" Wilbur asked. 

"Basically he was constantly tortured in the experiments, with very little time to heal. His body is now resting and healing, and he's doing that.... well, in a coma, basically." 

"C-Can I see Phil?" Wilbur asked. 

Techno nodded. "I'll go get him, you just stay awake." 

A few minutes later, Phil burst into the room. "Oh Wilbur." he said, hugging his son tightly. "Oh my son. I'm so happy you're alive." 

Wilbur sighed in relief. "I was scared something had happened to you, to both of you." 

Phil pulled away, but barely. Again, Wilbur was not likely going to be let go any time soon. "Scared for us? Wilbur, you got shot!" 

Wilbur laughed, wincing when it made his side hurt. Phil noticed and immediately went into Dadza mode. Which meant "HowisthepainisittoomuchshouldTechnogogetthedoctorbecausewecangetyouwhateveryouneedWilburdon'thesitatetoaskwe'rehereforyouwe'renotleavingyoualoneeveragainI'mnotlettingyougethurteveragainIpromiseifthepainstoomuchwehavemedsthatcanhelpyouIpromisewe-"

"Phil, you're rambling." Techno interjected. 

Translation; "How is the pain is it too much should Techno go get the doctor because we can get you whatever you need Wilbur don't hesitate to ask we're here for you we're not leaving you alone ever again I'm not letting you get hurt ever again I promise if the pains too much we have meds that can help you I promise we-"

"Phil, you're rambling." 

Phil took a deep breath, then pressed a button and stuck it in Wilbur's hand. "That should help with the pain. If it's too much, press it about every fifteen minutes. It's morphine." 

Wilbur smirked. "Finally. I get to legally do drugs. About fucking time." 

Techno laughed and Phil rolled his eyes. "I'm going to ignore that legal part." he said. "And everything else." 

Wilbur's face grew solemn. "Phil..... Where's Tommy? Techno told me he's in a coma. What's going on?" 

Phil sighed. "I....." he stopped. "Tommy..... I'm going to be honest, Tommy's not doing very well." 

Wilbur felt his veins grow cold with fear. "W-What do you mean?" 

"He.... He was tortured, basically, when he there. The doctors.... Well, being in that- that place took a massive toll on his body." Phil spat out the word place. "He's in a medically induced coma right now, in order for his body to heal. It's what's best for him." 

"I wanna see him." Wilbur whispered. "I need to see my little brother." 

"You shouldn't get up right now." Phil said. "Wilbur, you were shot. You lost a lot of blood. When we found you...." he trailed off. 

"What?" Wilbur asked. "What happened?" 

"Well..... Tommy was bleeding from his own wound..... and he was holding on to your unmoving body...... He collapsed as soon as we entered the room, like he knew you'd be safe." Techno explained. 

Wilbur stiffened as a memory entered his head (which really fucking hurt by the way). Turning, seeing his little brother, horrified, with a gun....

That had shot Wilbur. 

Phil noticed his son's change in mood. "You need rest, we should let him rest, Techno. Come on, let's-"

"N-No." Wilbur interjected. "I-I n-need to t-tell you something." 

"Okay." Phil said gently. 

"Spit it out, little brother." Techno smiled.

"Dream didn't shoot me." Wilbur whispered. "It wasn't Dream... It was..... It was Tommy...." 

Phil and Techno both looked shocked. "The gremlin?" Techno whispered. 

"Not on purpose! He looked so sad a-and scared and I don't think it was his fault. I just.... When he wakes up..... If he remembers....." Wilbur trailed off at the realization dawning on his family's face. 

"He'll be traumatized." Techno finished. 

Phil nodded. "We'll figure it out. We'll figure everything out. It's going to be okay, I promise. I'm going to make it okay. For now, Wilbur needs rest, and to be checked out by the doctor. Techno, could you go get one?" 

After Wilbur was checked out by the doctor, he passed out again. 

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