Awakening? Sure.

856 33 76

Tw; vomiting, medical stuff?

Phil was finally allowed to see Tommy!!!!!

"He's still unconscious, and you cannot disturb or upset him in any way." the doctor instructed. "But you can sit with him." 

Phil nodded. "Of course. Can I see him now? Will you let Techno know?" 

The doctor nodded. "I'll let Mr. Blade know that he is able to see Tommy, but it's only one person at a time, okay?" 

"Yes. Of course." 

Phil went in. 

He saw the same thing he'd seen before. A pale Tommy surrounded by a lot of machinery. He wasn't breathing on his own, or doing anything on his own. His body went through a horrid ordeal, and now needed rest in order to cope. 

Phil was just relieved Tommy was alive. 

He went into the room and held Tommy's cold hand. His son felt dead, but Phil was sure he wasn't. "H-Hey Toms." Phil whispered. "It's Dadza. It's Phil. You're alive, Tommy. You're alive, mate!" 

"I d-don't know if you can hear me but, if you can, you're safe. You're in the hospital and Dream is gone. He'll never be able to hurt you again, okay? You're going to be okay." 

"And Wilbur's awake! We're all awake, we're all okay. I promise. We just need you to wake up, Toms." 

"We just need you to be okay. Techno and Wilbur are so scared...... The doctors say you have low odds, but I know you can beat them. You're you, Toms! We're all pulling for you." 

"We've met your friends, Ranboo and Tubbo. They're okay as well, Toms. Everyone's okay. We just need you to be okay. We just need you to open your eyes. Please Tommy." 

Tears spilled down Phil's face. "You've gotta be okay." he whispered. "Please Tommy. You need to be okay." 

"Phil?" Techno asked. He was in the doorway. "Are you alright?" 

Phil stood. "I-I'll give you a moment with your brother." he said, wiping his eyes. 

Techno gave Tommy a concerned look. "Please stay. At least where I can see you." Techno whispered. 

Right, Techno didn't like being alone in hospitals. Phil had forgotten. And no, Tommy's unconscious body didn't count as somebody. "Okay." Phil said. "I'll stay." He ignored the fact that only one person was able to see Tommy at a time. 

Techno sat next to Tommy, taking his hand. "H-Hey Tommy. I-It's Techno." 

He paused. "What do I say?" he whispered to Phil. 

"Whatever you want mate." Phil replied. "It's okay if you don't say anything at all. He may not even know you're there." 

Techno smiled. "Tommy, you're an idiot, you know that? It's just who you are. And if you be an even bigger idiot and die on me I'm going to come down to the Underworld and drag your ghostly ass up here and yell at you. You're not allowed to die. I know you're bad at following directions, but just this once, okay? Don't fucking die on me, Tommy. Don't fucking die!" 

Phil came over and put his arm around Techno's shoulders. "Calm down. Tommy, we're here." 

He stared at his youngest. His golden locks, pale skin, fluttering eyelashes...

Wait what? 

Phil stared. Yes! His son's eyelashes were fluttering! "Techno! Go get the doctor!" Phil exclaimed to Techno, who had also realized. Techno ran into the hallway. 

Phil watched Tommy. His son slowly and painfully opened his eyes and looked around, then up at Phil. "P-Phil?" he croaked. 

Phil was crying so hard. "Yes Toms! Yes! It's me! You're okay!" 

"The doctor's coming- Tommy!" Techno said, running up to Tommy's other side. "T-Techno." Tommy croaked again. "W-W-W-" 

"It's okay. You're doing so well." Phil said. "What do you need?" 

"W-W-Water." Tommy stuttered. 

Don't lie, you thought he was saying Wil, didn't you?

"My throat's d-dry." 

Techno grabbed a cup and filled it in the sink. "Here." He helped his brother drink some. 

Tommy cleared his throat. "Th-Thanks." he stuttered. 

Techno laughed. "Now you get manners." he said. 

"Wilbur would be proud.......Where's Wilbur?" Tommy asked. Techno and Phil saw the amount of fear in his eyes. "Nononono. Where's Wilbur? WHERE THE HELL IS MY BROTHER!?" 

The doctor came in. "You need to leave, you're upsetting him." Bad commanded. 

"No!" Tommy cried. "NO! WHERE IS WILBUR?! WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!" He tried to sit up. 

Sounds mildly familiar..... *cough cough wilbur cough cough*

"He's alive!" Techno cried. 

Tommy stopped. "H-He.... is?" Hope dawned on his face. "Wilby's alive?" 

Techno nodded. "He's in a different hospital room. He's recovering and awake. Now will you stop being a gremlin and calm the fuck down?" 

Tommy nodded. The pain was just starting to get to him. "W-When..... When I was alone I didn't know.... I wasn't sure if I was alive. I couldn't...... couldn't hear anyone. I thought I was alone." He began to cry. "T-Then I heard Phil and Techno.... I realized I was alive. I started fighting to wake up, and here I am." 

Phil nodded. "That's very good. That's very very good." 

Tommy nodded and whimpered. "Phillll. It hurts. I don't feel good." 

Bad snapped into doctor mode. "Describe your pain." he said. 

"I.... It's not even pain. I mean, yes I am in pain, but I feel..... really..... not good...." 

Tommy leaned over the side of the bed and threw up. 

Since he hadn't eaten anything there wasn't much to throw up. Phil comforted him like he did when Tommy had gotten nausea from those boys beating him up. Bad called a few more doctors and Tommy went to dry heaving when there was nothing left in his stomach. He fell back onto the bed, panting from pain. "Owwwwwww." he groaned. "Owwwwww. Phillllllllllllllll. Dadzaaaaaaa." he whined. 

The doctors pushed him into the hallway. Bad kept Phil and Techno in the room, and Tommy wasn't allowed to see them. "Wait! I wanna see Phil! I want my Dadza!" 

"Shhhhhh." a nurse with light pink hair pushed an oxygen mask over Tommy's face and held him gently on the bed. "It's going to be okay." 

Tommy looked at her. She looked so kind. He thought about the mess he left on the floor and pulled the oxygen mask off. "I'm sorry. Can you tell whoever has to clean... that up that I'm sorry?" 

She smiled gently, putting the mask back on his face. "It's okay baby. They're used to it by now, I promise. It's okay." 

"My name's Niki. We're going to take care of you. Count down from ten for me, okay sweetie?" 

Tommy let out a mumbled ten as he felt something go into his arm. He started to panic, smacking the mask off. "What was that?! What was the needle?!" 

She tried to cover his face with the mask again. "It was just to help you sleep. I promise. You're okay now, you're safe." 

Tommy started to cry, and his world faded in sleep. 


I'm done. 

Y'all are getting every chapter. Because I have so many drafts right now and they need to be read. So I'm going to sit here and publish like twenty chapters at once. 

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