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Mentions of abuse and medical stuff... Ooh and vomiting

Tubbo and Ranboo were placed in the same hospital room. 

They'd been together since the beginning. Ranboo had been a servant to Tubbo's dad, and Tubbo had been an abused child. Ranboo saved Tubbo, and in turn, Tubbo had helped Ranboo escape when Tubbo's dad had caught them. 

After that, they'd stayed together. It had been just the two of them for years. Ranboo and Tubbo were able to support each other through many panic attacks and traumatic memories. They were even caught together, by the Feral Bois, and they stayed together through everything. 

They also kept each other human. When your hybrid instincts are being tested, a natural response was to revert back to your animal side. Ranboo wasn't exactly human at all, he was part enderman part something that he didn't even know, Tubbo was a ram hybrid. They kept each other sane and human. They needed each other. 

So, when Ranboo began vomiting in the hospital room Tubbo immediately started screaming for help. A nice nurse they knew, Niki, darted in, saw Ranboo vomiting, and wheeled him away. 

Tubbo was moved to a different room, but he couldn't help but feel sick. About fifteen minutes after Ranboo had vomited Tubbo's nausea had gotten worse, not better. He tried so hard not to get sick, and Niki came in. 

"Hey Tubbo." she murmured gently. 

"Ranboo?" Tubbo demanded. "Where's Ranboo-" 

His questions were cut off as nausea finally won and Tubbo began to vomit as well. "Oh. Tubbo....." Niki tried to comfort him, until he was finally done vomiting. She called in a couple more doctors and they put Tubbo into a different hospital room after he was given something to help him sleep. 

Pov switchhhhhh. 

Technoblade was pissed. 

Tommy was getting worse, sicker and sicker. Everytime he was awake he vomited, and was given something to help him sleep by the doctors. The best bet was that one of the many serums Tommy had been given in that.... place was messing with his system now. Like some sort of poison. 

Techno finally snapped. Two weeks after Tommy had first vomited, Techno took a visit to someone he never wanted to see. 


See, Dream, George, and Sapnap were all dead. Sapnap had had an allergic reaction to the serum Tommy had stabbed him with and died from anaphylactic shock. Karl was unharmed and arrested. Quackity was the only one in the hospital, handcuffed to his bed until he was well enough to transport. What had happened, no one knows. He wouldn't talk about it. Let's just say that Techno's pickaxe scar wouldn't be the only one of Quackity's scars now. 

He also got shot. 

Technoblade stormed up to his room, slamming the door open. Quackity was asleep, but Techno punched him in the face and he woke up. "Dude? What the fuck man? What the hell are you doing here?" 

Techno snarled. "What the hell is wrong with my brother?" he demanded. "What the hell did you do?" 

Quackity smirked. "Which one was your little brother?" he asked innocently. 

"You little-" Techno stopped. "The raccoon hybrid, Tommy. He's sick and so are a couple of the other kids here. What did you do?" 

"I don't know..... I mean..... Serums were more Karl's thing......." Quackity smirked again. 

Techno stopped, and punched Quackity in the leg, where he'd been shot. 

Quackity screamed. "Tell me!" Techno shouted above him. "Tell me what you did to him!" 

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