Quackhead (remember him?)

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A few days later, Wilbur, Technoblade, Tubbo, Ranboo and Philza were all shoved in Tommy's room by the police. 

Phil had announced to Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno that he wanted to adopt Tubbo and Ranboo, and the three heartily agreed. The papers were currently being worked over, but since Ranboo and Tubbo were homeless orphans long forgotten, the government was having a hard time digging up their files. 

Or, as Technoblade says it, the government was giving them one more reason as to why they should have anarchy instead of the shitty government system. 

"What's going on?" Tommy demanded. Phil had been given temporary guardianship, since the government basically said that Tubbo and Ranboo were as safe with Phil as they would with anyone else.

Fricken government.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Techno screamed, slamming his hand on the door.

A policeman entered the room. "Quackity's escaped. You lot are the few we have that are in the hospital still. We need you to stay here until he's back in custody." He left the room again.

Tommy's eyes widened. "W-What?" he stuttered.

His breathing quickened. "No. N-No I.... He can't he'll kill me he'll kill us all of us he-"

Phil ran over to him. Tommy curled in on himself, ignoring his IV and still aching bullet wound. "He's going to kill us he's hurting us he can't be here he'll-"

"Tommy, look at me." Phil commanded. "Take a breath."

Tommy shuddered, gasping. "He's gonna he's gonna kill- I can't he can't be here he's gonna-"

"Tommy." Phil said firmly. "Look at me. You need to breathe. In for four."

Tommy tried to gasp in, but he was failing. "He's gonna- we're gonna die- he's killing- he hurt us all- he can't be here!"

Wilbur sat next to him. He tried to pet Tommy's hair and accidentally touched one of his ears. Tommy did a strange thing where he immediately relaxed and kicked his leg a few times. Kind of like a dog when you find the 'spot'. Wilbur smiled. "Do you like your ears scratched, sunshine?"

Tommy looked at him. "S-Sunshine?" he asked.

Techno smiled from where he was standing in front of the door, one arm protectively around Ranboo and the other round Tubbo. "Wilbur was obsessed with the song 'You Are My Sunshine' when you.... Went missing. He listened to it a thousand times over, even learning it on the guitar. I was close to killing him."

"What can I say? You are my sunshine, sunshine." Wilbur smiled, scratching behind Tommy's ear again. His leg flicked again and Wilbur smiled. 

Tommy started to breathe normally but then he heard Quackity scream "WHERE IS HE?! WHERE'S TOMMY?! WHERE'S THE MURDERER?!"

Tommy gasped and his hands reached for his chest. "He's close." He whispered. "He's so close!"

Tubbo started crying too. "He's going to find us." he whispered. 

"No fucking way am I letting him through that door." Techno growled. "I almost killed him twice, I'm not against killing him again."

"He can't hurt you anymore." Phil promised.


Tommy curled into Wilbur. I'm safe. He thought.


Tommy started shaking. He couldn't handle hearing his voice after what Quackity had done to him. He'd tortured Tommy! "It's going to be okay." Wilbur whispered.

Tommy whimpered, despite himself. He knew he was acting weak, but he was terrified. Besides, Tubbo was sobbing. "You're safe." Wilbur repeated.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" He screamed again.

I'm safe. Tommy thought. He was shuddering and the memories were flooding back. We're safe. Far from you.


"Hey!" Someone outside the door yelled. It sounded like there was fighting outside. Tommy braced himself for when Quackity burst through the door. 

Something slammed against the locked door, and Tommy gasped. Ranboo made eye contact and quickly looked away. Tommy saw fear in his eyes that mirrored Tommy's. "HE'S IN THERE! LET ME IN!"

Then the door slammed open.

Tubbo screamed and Ranboo stumbled backwards. Techno snapped and went after Quackity. Phil stood protectively in front of Wilbur and Tommy who were in Tommy's bed, covering them protectively with his wings. Phil dragged Tubbo backwards, who'd stiffened and fallen.

Techno had Quackity pinned against the wall and was continuously punching him in the face. A couple of police finally dragged Techno off, which was impressive, and two other policemen handcuffed Quackity, who was on the ground. 

Tommy watched with wide eyes as Quackity was dragged away. Bad came in. "I thought you would like to know that Quackity is in custody, and he will be transferred to another hospital. He shouldn't have been here in the first place. We'll have police outside your door, and his 24/7." 

Phil nodded. "Th- Thank you." He stuttered. He still hadn't relaxed and stood in front of Tommy and Wilbur. He was the only one capable of speaking right now.

"I'll let you calm down in peace." Bad left the room. 

"He was right there." Tommy whispered.

"I know." Wilbur said.

"He was right there." Tommy repeated.

"He shouldn't have been." Techno growled. 

"Techno." Phil warned. 

"HE SHOULDN'T HAVE!" Techno roared. Tubbo curled up on Tommy's bed, crying. "He should have never been here. Never been in this hospital! He's dangerous and he should have been far from us. Far from Tommy!"

"Let's not do this right now." Phil sighed. "I agree, but still. Let's try and calm down from this emotional-"

"He could have killed Tommy!" Wilbur cried. "What if we hadn't been here? What if he'd been alone? Quackity got in here, and if Techno hadn't been here, what would have happened?!"

"Not to mention, me and Tubbo were here." Ranboo added. "We could have all been hurt!"

"He should have never been here!"

"What if Techno wasn't here to protect him?"

"We could have been hurt, or killed!"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Philza yelled. Everyone looked at him with shock and wariness in his eyes. Dadza never yelled. "I know! I know we could have been hurt or killed or worse! I know this was terrifying and if Techno hadn't been here I don't know what would have happened! But it didn't. Nothing happened, okay? We're all safe. Now is not the time to try and kill each other." His voice lowered. "We need to stick together, not tear each other apart. That's exactly what they want."

Everyone stopped, breathing hard.

Tommy, of all, broke the silence. "W-Was he like this when I was missing?" 

Wilbur laughed. "No, sunshine. Back then, we all were united."

"Yeah, in wanting to kill somebody." Techno laughed.

Tommy leaned against the pillows and yawned. Wilbur smiled. "Tired, sunshine? It's alright. Get some rest."

Tommy obliged, and gave into the darkness.

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