Clay, Tubs, and Ranboob

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That night, Tommy cried himself to sleep. 

He wanted to go home. He missed Philza, Technoblade, and Wilbur. The Feral Bois, that's what Dream, Karl, Sapnap, George, and Quackity called themselves, had inserted a tracker into Tommy's neck, and now it really hurt. He didn't want to be here, being "observed" or whatever. He just wanted to go back home. 

The next morning, Quackity literally dragged him out of bed. He already seemed like the most harsh in the group, since he hated Tommy. 

Tommy sat up on the floor. "Breakfast, then experiments. Put these on." Quackity snapped, throwing an orange jumpsuit at Tommy. It had the number 62 on it. 

"And what if I don't, fucker? What will you do then?" 

Quackity rolled his eyes. "Then you'll go hungry, and be forced into the experiments. You only get fed once a day. We've got all of the power, you should learn that quickly." 

Tommy followed him downstairs, his eyes widening at the sight. 

In what may have been a cafeteria, there were fifty or so kids, all hybrids, talking and eating together. Tommy walked down the stairs, following the general crowd into a line where they were handing out food. 

"H-Hi!" someone yelled at Tommy. Tommy turned towards the noise. Oddly, the voice sounded familiar, but Tommy couldn't place it. He saw a tall blonde boy with green eyes waving at him. He also had the same jumpsuit as Tommy, with the number 1 on it. "My name's Clay." 

"Oh, uh, hi... My name's Tommy." Tommy mumbled. 

"And you're..... a raccoon hybrid?" Clay guessed. 

"Yes, and you?" Tommy asked. 

"Oh! I'm a lion hybrid." Clay answered. 

"Lion?" Tommy wondered. The boy looked normal, no hybrid features at all. 

"Yeah." Clay replied. "It's weird. I'm not that obvious of a hybrid, but I have like strength and lion tendencies. What are your tendencies?" 

Then, a little boy, shorter than Tommy, accidentally slammed into Tommy. "Oh my gosh! Tubbo! I'm so sorry!" Another boy- Tommy was starting to lose track- ran up to them. He had half black half white hair, and his skin underneath matched. He had one red eye, and one green. They were both dressed in the same jumpsuit as Tommy, with Tubbo having the number 37 and the other boy having the number 38. Tubbo looked like a ram hybrid, with ram horns curling out of his long brown floofy hair. (If you think floofy isn't a word, I don't care. You know Tubbo has special hair, and you know the type) 

Clay looked slightly annoyed at being interrupted. "Hi, I'm Ranboo." The black and white boy introduced. "And this is Tubbo. Sorry he ran into you." 

"I was just trying to say hi." Tubbo protested. "It's not my fault people don't like it." 

"Hybrid tendency." Ranboo explained. "Tubbo likes to greet people by head butting them. Anyways, what's your names?" 

"Tommy." Tommy answered. "I'm a raccoon hybrid." 

"Clay. Lion. We've met." Clay said. 

"So...." Tubbo trailed off, getting in line behind them. "62. You must be new right?" 

"What do the numbers mean?" Tommy asked. 

"They're in order of capture. The Feral Bois don't bother learning our names but they have to tell us apart somehow. Therefore, numbers." 

"Wait.... so that means," Tommy turned to Clay. "You were their first capture!"

Clay nodded. "I was." he said. He sort of shut down after that, and they were at the front of the line, so Tommy let him be. 

After getting the bread they were giving out, the four sat down. "So, Ranboo, what are you?" 

"Part enderman and part something." Ranboo replied. 

"Part something?" 

"Part something." 

Tommy nodded. "How long have you and Tubbo known each other?" 

"We were..... living together for a while before we were captured." Tubbo replied quickly. There was something..... off about his response, but Tommy was going to just let that be. 

Clay had finished eating. "Hey, I gotta get going. I'll see you around." he ran off. 

Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo kept chatting for a few more minutes before George came up to them. "62?" he asked, quickly silencing everyone. 

Tubbo and Ranboo looked petrified. "Yeah, what's up, bitch?" Tommy demanded. 

Tubbo gasped, and George rolled his eyes. "I hate newbies. You're wanted for an experiment. Come, now." 

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Or else what?" he asked. 

"Just go." Tubbo whispered. "It's better this way. I know it'll hurt but it'll be over soon." 

"No!" Tommy practically yelled. "I don't want to." 

The entire cafeteria was silent now. George looked ticked off. He grabbed Tommy by the back of the neck and threw him to the ground, cutting his cheek when he did so. "Let's go." he snarled. 

Tommy responded with a hiss, and leaped at him. 

George met him, and they started to fight. Tommy couldn't throw many punches without getting hurt since he was small weak child. George seemed like some sort of cat hybrid, with claws and little pointed ears. His eyes were different than the normal eyes, more sharp and dilated. He also had claws, similarly to Tommy's. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed Tommy's back before he could jump at George. "What's going on here?" the man with a smiley face mask, Dream, asked. 

George hissed like a cat, then cleared his throat. "The newbie put up a bit of a fight, nothing I couldn't handle." 

Dream frowned. Tommy realized he could only see his mouth and nothing else. How the fucker saw was beyond him. (And the author)

Then he smirked at Tommy, and Tommy felt fear run down his veins. He knew he never wanted to catch this man's attention. "Let's go." he said, continuing to drag Tommy down the hall. 

He threw Tommy into an empty room, then left. 

"What the fuck?!" Tommy yelled. "What the hell are you doing to me?!" 

Suddenly, some sort of gas leaked through the ceiling. Tommy took a small sniff, since his raccoon nose could most likely detect what it was, and almost immediately started coughing. Whatever it was, his brain didn't like it. 

As the gas slowly filled the room Tommy desperately searched for an exit. There was only one door, where Dream had exited, and it was locked. Tommy knew how to pick locks, Wilbur taught him, but he needed something. 

And Tommy had nothing. 

"Let me out!" he cried, scrabbling at the door. "Please!" 

He started coughing, hacking and gasping. "Please!" he begged. The gas begged for him to turn unconcious, but he refused, fighting it like he'd fought the serum. 

"P-P-Phil...." Tommy mumbled, sliding to the ground. "Please *cough* Phil..... Dadza........ I need you........." 

His vision turned black. 


Dream smiled. "Alright, Karl. Go take him away. Quackity, what's his time?" 

"45.7 seconds." Quackity replied. 

Dream's eyes widened, not like anyone could see it. "You serious? That's longer than anyone else!" 

"I know." 

"A power like that can only grow stronger...." Dream whispered. "We'll do the same thing tomorrow, see if 62 gets more powerful. Amplify the serums as his power gets stronger. Tell Sapnap and George to try and find another raccoon hybrid as soon as possible. I want to see if this is 62's thing or a raccoon thing." 

Quackity nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that. Honestly though? It doesn't seem like you'll ever find another Tommy." 

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