A bully, a dog, and a brother

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Okay, how many times am I going to have to start this with Tommy running for his life?

This time, it was from a bunch of kids. They were all a little older than Tommy (Isn't everyone?). They were throwing snowballs at Tommy, but there seemed to be something inside them, since glass pieces were everywhere and the impact was harder than normal snowballs. 

Tommy had gotten completely lost and, with the encouragement of Wilbur and Phil, Tommy stopped hiding his hybrid features whenever he went out. So when he'd asked a rowdy group of kids for directions, and they started teasing him for his raccoon features.... well, things escalated, and Tommy was running. The ringleader, a boy with black hair and a dark blue beanie, was the one who'd started all of this.

Of course, he was still incredibly lost, so he had no idea where he was running to, he was just running away. 

Suddenly, Tommy slipped on the icy road. He laid there, hoping the kids had gone away and trying to catch his breath. 

The kids hadn't gone away. They caught up to him, and they started beating him up. Punching him, kicking him, pulling his hair and ears, and throwing... something at him. There was glass breaking all over him. Tommy couldn't defend himself from this many people, so he curled into a ball and tried to protect his ribs and head. 

Suddenly, as Tommy was swimming in and out of pain, a massive WOOF boomed out of the shadows. A huge Saint Bernard jumped over the kids, bowling a couple over, and standing protectively over Tommy. 

Most of the kids backed up, but the- idiotic- leader in the beanie kept coming. The dog snarled at him until he backed up a step. "Apollo?" Tommy asked. Apollo turned, gently nosing Tommy and looking for injuries. Tommy used Apollo to help him sit up. 

The kid came at Tommy again and Apollo snapped at him, almost biting his hand. "What the-- ? Stupid dog." the kid growled. He tried to step towards Tommy again and Apollo went full guard dog, snapping and growling at the kid. 

"Apollo! No! Heel!" Tommy cried frantically, trying to pull Apollo away from the kid, not wanting him to get hurt. 

Apollo instinctively turned towards Tommy, making sure he was okay. The kid reached his arm back, aiming to hit the dog. "No!" Tommy cried. 

"AY!" A voice screamed. Out from the shadow, like he materialized there, Techno, sixteen year old, pink haired, tall as fuck Techno, came walking with his full on, normal, monarch-like attire, and a netherite pickaxe on his shoulder.

"Don't touch the dog." he snarled. "And get the hell away from my brother!"

Most of the kids backed off even farther, but the black-haired beanie kid couldn't take a hint. This time, he went at Technoblade. Apollo backed off a little as well, sensing Techno had a handle on the situation, and helped Tommy sit up.

"What are you gonna do about it, big man?" The kid asked with a smirk. 

Techno stiffened, and Tommy knew why. There were only two people able to call Techno a big man, Wilbur and Tommy. Not to mention this kid said it like it was an insult. 

The laughing died down. "Uhh, Quackity, let's just go." one of the kids murmured. 

"Nah, I ain't scared. What's he gonna do?" Quackity turned and aimed a kick at Tommy. 

 Techno threw him to the ground, faster than lightning, and cut his pickaxe across his face. "That's what I'm gonna do." he said.

The other kids were long gone, and Techno picked up their abandoned leader by the front of his shirt. There was fear in his eyes. "Now, I'm gonna let you go, and you're gonna fucking run. But, if you ever hurt my brother again just remember; I have a pickaxe, and I'll put it through your teeth." 

Techno dropped the kid, none too gently, and he couldn't get out of there quick enough. Tommy started to stand, using Apollo for support, but slipped and was caught by Techno. 

"Oh Theseus." he murmured. "Let's get you home." 

He picked Tommy up and held him close, starting to walk. "What happened to not a piglin monster hybrid thing?" Tommy asked. 

Techno shrugged. "It comes in handy sometimes." 

"I'm sorry. I tried to be nice like you an' Wilbur an' Dadza said but I got beat up." 

Techno laughed. "I never told you to be nice. I told you to get the job done. There's definitely a difference." 

"Where are we going?" Tommy asked through his haze of pain. 

"Uh... Home? So Phil can patch you up? Like I just said?" Techno said everything like a question, hoping to spark something in Tommy. 

"Oh, right." Tommy shifted, not sure if he wanted to ask this question. "Techno, why do you call him Phil?" 

Techno stiffened for a second, then kept walking. "I mean.... I guess biology and shit. I had a family, but they passed and Phil took me in and while I am forever grateful I just... I don't know. Dad's kind of a hard word for me." 

"Okay." Tommy mumbled. His eyes started to close. 

"Shit, Tommy, stay with me. Please Toms, stay with me." 

Techno kicked the front door open. "PHIL! I NEED YOU NOW! PHILZAMINECRAFT GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

Wilbur shot up from the front couch, where he'd been playing the now abandoned guitar. "What happened? Tommy?" 

Techno gave him a shove. "Go grab the first-aid kit." he commanded. 

Wilbur nodded and ran past Phil on his way upstairs. 

"Lay him on the couch." Phil instructed. 

"M' head hurts." Tommy mumbled. Techno laid him on the couch and Apollo laid his head next to Tommy. "Is Apollo okay?" 

"What the hell happened?" Wilbur demanded, shoving the first-aid kit in Phil's hands. 

 Phil started patching Tommy up, and there was a lot to do. Living with three hybrid boys meant that was not his first rodeo though, and he knew how to bandage someone up, even if the other boys didn't know anything about first-aid. 

"Bunch of bitch kids were beating him up." Techno answered. "They whole hybrid thing..."

"Is Apollo okay?" Tommy asked again. 

"What does Apollo have to do with this?" Phil demanded. "Tommy, you're never going to heal if you keep this up!"

Basically, Apollo came and started snarling at them, protecting Tommy, and then I showed up and..." Techno trailed off.

"Dude, you gave that kid a scar he'll never forget!" Tommy exclaimed. 

Phil laughed at Tommy's attempt to sit up in his excitement. "Stay down." he murmured. 

Techno scratched the back of his head. "Yeah... I was ticked off and I swept my pickaxe across his face."

"While saying I have a pickaxe and I'll put it through your teeth." Tommy giggled. His head really hurt and he felt delirious. His eyes started to close. 

"Woah mate." Philza said. "Techno, help me get him upstairs, he's lost a lot of blood. He needs rest."  

Techno nodded and stepped forward. He grabbed one of Tommy's shoulders and Phil grabbed the other. Wilbur followed close behind. They laid Tommy on his bed in his bedroom that was originally the guest bedroom. Wilbur covered him with a blanket, and Tommy slipped into unconsciousness before they even left. 

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