The analysis

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For the record, I am a Wattpad writer, not a doctor. If I completely butcher this, let me know kindly plz. 

Phil was waiting outside in a waiting room when the doctor came in. 

Techno was sitting watch outside Wilbur's room. First, if any of The Feral Bois that were still alive decided to break out and wreak havoc, but also for any reports on their family's condition. Phil wasn't able to watch over Tommy's room though, since he was in there for special treatment. 

A doctor beckoned Phil over. Phil ran immediately. "Is it my son? Can I see him?" 

The doctor sighed. "Philza Minecraft, right? The father?" 

"Yes!" Phil said. "How is my son? Is he going to survive?" 

"I'm not sure." the doctor said. "He's been through a lot, it's a miracle he's alive right now. His lungs alone were badly damaged from smoke and water, several of his bones are broken and healing, or didn't heal properly, and there's several unknown serums in his system that we've never seen before, most likely homemade, and we have no idea what they'll do." 

"Is he going to survive?" Phil asked again. 

"I don't know." the doctor answered. "With the injuries he sustained alone, not to mention the bullet wound and malnourishment, your son doesn't have very good chances. However," he said to the tears in Phil's eyes. "I've seen your son before, and he's a stubborn little one. If anyone's going to defeat the odds, it's your son. From a doctor perspective, his chances of survival are low. But from a person perspective, I'd say your son may just surprise us all." 

The doctor put a comforting hand on Phil's shoulder. "The best thing is rest right now. He'll wake up soon, and when he does, we'll know whether or not he'll survive." 

Phil nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Can I see him?" he whispered. 

The doctor looked around, but it was only the two of them. "I'm not technically supposed to do this.....Fine. I will let you look through the window, but that's it. Don't do anything that might disturb him, and don't tell anybody. Understand?" 

Phil nodded. "Y-Yes! And thank you. Thank you so so so much." 

The doctor nodded. "You need this, don't you?" he asked. 

Phil nodded again. 

The doctor sighed and led Phil back to a new wing of rooms. Phil tried to memorize the way so that he could sneak back here later on. "He's in here." the doctor motioned. 

Phil looked in the window. He had a list of the most horrifying moments in his life. The top was when Techno called Phil panicking and saying they couldn't find Tommy, the day he went missing. Below that was the day Wilbur was three and Phil slammed his hand in the car door and Wilbur screamed bloody murder. 

But the scene in front of him definitely took the cake. 

Tommy was lying in a hospital bed, barely moving, barely breathing. There were tubes everywhere, doing who knows what to support Tommy. He had an IV dripping into his arm, and a breathing tube and other tubes sticking in and out of his entire body. Bandages covered a lot of his body, including the side he was shot, and his breathing was weak and slow. Phil saw how pale and lifeless Tommy looked, a stark difference from his normal bright and happy chaotic way of living. Nothing would ever make Phil more scared. 

Wattpad is trying to get me to change the last Phil to Ph, what?

Actually, this was still second. The most horrifying thing Phil had ever seen was his two sons, one unconscious and the other sobbing, both covered in blood. This was a very, very, close second. 

Phil looked at the doctor. "He is alive, though, right?" 

The doctor nodded. "Though for how long, we don't know. Let's head back, alright?" 

Phil sighed, taking one last longing look at Tommy. "If this is the last time I see him...." He shook his head. 

The doctor sighed. "It won't be. My name is Badboyhalo. I'm a doctor here at L'manberg hospital. And I swear on my life I will do everything to make sure your son survives. This will not be the last time you see him. But you're not even supposed to be back here, and I really don't want to get in trouble. You can't do anything for him, so let's head back to the waiting room, okay?" 

Phil nodded, and the doctor, Bad, wrapped his arm around Phil's shoulders and led him to the waiting room. 

Techno burst into the waiting room just as they got back. "Phil!" he exclaimed. "It's Wilbur!" 

"He's awake!" 

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