Tubbo's pov now

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Oh yeah... Ranboo's dead. lovely. 

So.... that morning, Tubbo awoke feeling better than he had in a while. 

Seriously. Even though he was still drained, he didn't feel like coughing the next thirty seconds, and his chest didn't ache. 

The doctors had diagnosed the three little ones with severe chest infections. The infection had set in due to their lungs being weak from the fire. Wilbur only had a mild infection, and with rest and antibiotics he got better without needing to go to the hospital. Technoblade... Well he's Technoblade. We don't ask about Technoblade. He just doesn't get sick. 

Anyways, Tubbo was awake before anyone else. He crept downstairs to the TV room and watched cartoons for about fifteen minutes before Techno came out of his room. 

"Morning." Techno mumbled. He had headphones hanging around his neck, meaning he most likely fell asleep listening to music in order to drown out the voices. Tubbo felt bad Techno had to deal with voices that sounded so horrible. That must be really difficult. 

"Hi!" Tubbo greeted. "I'm bored." 

Techno gave him a look of confusion. "I'm... literally the worst brother for entertainment. Can't we just watch a movie?" 

"No!" Tubbo whisper-declared passionately. "I don't trust you!" 

"Is this still about Big Hero 6?" Techno asked. "Baymax isn't even dead! They revived him!" 

"It's not the same!" Tubbo cried. "And you know it! He dieded!" 

Tears welled in Tubbo's eyes and Techno backpedaled. He really didn't want another episode similar to the one right after the movie where Tubbo sobbed in Techno's lap for fifteen minutes over 'Baymax's death'. He was inconsolable until Philza finally cracked and took them all out for ice cream. Tubbo avoided marshmallows and robots for a week. Of course, Techno had made it worse by trying to explain how Baymax was "just a robot" and could therefore be repaired. Logic, right? 

"No!" Tubbo had sobbed. "It's not the same! Baymax is beautiful!" 

Now, with an almost crying child and a strong desire to not deal with a meltdown (I mean seriously, couldn't he at least get some coffee first?) Technoblade had a rare moment of weakness. 

"I'll do anything you want!" he blurted to his younger brother. "Please just don't cry." 

Tubbo immediately perked up. "Anything?" he asked. 

"That doesn't involve murder or governments." Techno added frantically. Shit. What did I just do? 

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww brotherblade!!!
Oh your in trouble nowwww
Brotherblade go brrrrrrrrrrr

Tubbo pursed his lips thoughtfully."I wanna ride on your shoulders." he finally said. "Like a piggy back ride!" 

"What?" Techno asked. "Why?" 

"I wanna know how it feels to be a giant!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Like you or Wil or Dadza! I'm the shortest in the family, and I wanna be tall!" 

Techno shrugged. At least it doesn't have to do with bees. "Okay." he relented, bending down so Tubbo could shuffle onto his shoulders. 

Standing to his full height, Techno wobbled a few steps, trying to gain balance. Tubbo giggled, swaying this way and that. Techno grinned, realizing the little boy liked it, and stomped around, taking heavy so Tubbo would move around. Tubbo squealed and giggled as Techno stomped around, basically acting like a giant. 

Then Ranboo came stumbling downstairs. "T-T-Tubbo." he stuttered. 

Then he fell, and Tubbo's world fell apart with him. 

In minutes, Tubbo went from cloud nine straight back down to earth, and then into hell. He couldn't imagine his life without Boo!

Andddddd then he passed out. 


Tubbo opened his eyes. He was standing somewhere where it was white as far as he could see. Ranboo stood in front of him. 

"Boo!" Tubbo yelled. He raced over to Ranboo, only to be stopped centimeters away from his beloved. "What's going on? Why can't I reach you?" 

Ranboo smiled gently. "Because I'm dead, Tubbo." he said gently. "And you are not." 

"No!" Tubbo cried. "No! You can't be! The doctors... they had to have saved you!" 

"No one could save me." Ranboo murmured. "It was my time." 

"No!" Tubbo repeated. "It can't be your time, Ranboo! I can't do this without you! I need you! I've always needed you and I'll always need you!" 

"Maybe you needed me before." Ranboo said. "But you don't need me now. Now you have the Sleepy Bois. They can help you now. You'll be okay." 

"I'm scared." Tubbo whispered. 

"I know." Ranboo replied. "But you'll be alright. I saw, when you were with Techno. You looked so free. Lean on your brothers, and you'll be okay."

Tubbo sniffled. "I don't want you to go..." he said. 

"I don't either." Ranboo said. "But the thing is, I'm already gone." 

Tubbo burst into tears, and Ranboo bent down to Tubbo's level, spreading his arms out. The wall melted away, and Tubbo ran to Ranboo for a hug. 

"I love you." Ranboo breathed. He faded away.

Then he was gone. 

Tubbo was alone, sobbing, his arms wrapped around himself. He closed his eyes, and everything went black. 

Next thing he knew, Tubbo was waking up in a hospital bed. "Tubbo?" 

Tubbo turned his head. Techno was sitting on a chair next to him. "How do you feel?" he asked. 

"Fineish." Tubbo answered. "I don't know... where's everyone else?" 

"Phil took Tommy and Wilbur home." Techno replied. 

"And Boo?" 

"Tubbo..." Techno said gently. "What do you remember?" 

Tubbo sighed. "So it wasn't a dream." he whispered. 

Techno shook his head sadly. "After... you passed out. It was too much of a strain on your lungs. Especially after what we were doing." 

Tubbo's eyes filled with tears. You're safe now. Ranboo's words echoed in Tubbo's head. 

"Tubbo..." Techno wiped tears off Tubbo's cheeks. 

"He's gone..." Tubbo whispered hoarsely. "Boo is gone!" 

He didn't think he'd ever be okay again. 


Has anyone seen Kallmekris? I'm watching it now...

YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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