Are you SURE this time?

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Small explanation. Tommy and Tubbo are obviously brothers, but no one likes hospitals, Tommy the least. He doesn't like to hang around in Tubbo's room but also doesn't want to leave him alone because he believes Tubbo is clingy. Wilbur and Tubbo aren't that close brother wise, but he would never leave him alone. Techno's protective of literally everyone in that family, including Tubbo. Phil has four boys to look after. Hence why Techno is always the one in Tubbo's hospital room. 

My brain literally has an explanation for everything feel free to ask. 


Philza turned around. Doctor Badboyhalo was trying to follow him. "Phil! Wait up!" 

Phil stopped. Tommy and Wilbur stopped with him. "Hey there! What's up? Is it Tubbo?" Phil asked. Tommy stared dead at the ground. 

"Yeah!" Bad grinned. "The tests came back. The infection cleared from his lungs. He's safe to go home!" 

Tommy snickered. He muttered something that no one could hear. 

"What's up?" Wilbur asked. 

Tommy dead looked Bad in the eyes. "Are you sure this time? Or are you going to kill my best friend too?" 

"Tommy!" Philza shouted. 

Wilbur looked confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked Tommy. 

"It's him and the other doctors that killed Ranboo!" Tommy cried. "It's their faults! They said he was okay, and he wasn't! It's their faults!" 

"Tommy!" Phil repeated. "That's enough!" 

"No!" Tommy yelled. "They killed Ranboo! You killed Ranboo!" 

He tried to jump at Bad, but Wilbur held him back. He kicked and tried to get at Bad. "You killed Ranboo! You killed him! This is your fault!" 

Wilbur held Tommy back but didn't really try to stop him or anything. "LET ME AT HIM! HE KILLED RANBOO! LET ME HURT HIM! I WANNA KILL HIM!"

Phil knelt down in front of Tommy. "Stop." he said firmly. "Tommy. Take a breath. I know you're grieving, but you need to calm down. Please calm down. Breathe." 

"They killed him." Tommy sobbed. "They killed Ranboo. They're going to kill Tubbo!" 

"No." Phil said firmly. "That's not going to happen. I promise. Okay?" 

Tommy nodded. "Don't let them kill Tubbo." he whimpered. 

"I won't." Phil promised. 

Wilbur took Tommy to the side to help him calm down as Phil turned back to Bad. "He killed Ranboo." Tommy whimpered.

 "I'm so sorry. Do I have to fill out paperwork?" 

Bad looked remorseful. "I'm sorry." he whispered. "I'm so sorry. I thought... I thought he'd be okay." 

"I know." Phil promised. "I know." 

"I just... I lost Nick and.... now I'm the reason you lost your son and I know that mistakes happen more often than they probably should but I was so thorough and yet he died and it's my fault!" 

"It's okay." Phil said. "I don't blame you." 

"Tommy does!" Bad replied. "And maybe he should!" 

"Dude, if Tommy ever had a good idea or something someone thought was right, the world would stop running. We don't follow Tommy. Tommy doesn't even follow Tommy halfway through his ideas. Don't ever think Tommy is right. That would be terrifying." 

Bad smiled a little. "Are you sure you don't blame me?" 

"I don't." Phil promised. "Geez Bad. It's okay." 

Bad nodded. "Okay. We do have some paperwork you need to fill out, then he can go home." 

Phil followed him to one of the reception desks who then gave him the paperwork. Techno and Wilbur helped get Tubbo in the car. They drove home for a few hours, since their house was far from the hospital. 

"Phil. Look." Wilbur whispered. Phil looked in the rearview mirror. Tommy had his head in Tubbo's lap and both were asleep. "Awwwww." Phil cooed. Techno got a picture cause blackmail. 

"I'm hungry." Techno said. "Can we get food?" 

"Sure." Phil pulled into a McDonalds. "What do you guys want?" 

"Get Tubbo those chicken nuggets he likes." Techno said. "Or whatever the fuck he calls them."

"Chicky nuggies." Wilbur replied.

"Yeah..." The boys both filled in their orders and Phil gave them the food. Tommy woke up enough to eat, and Tubbo just slept on the seat. Tommy was begging Phil to let him eat the nuggets, which Phil wasn't letting happen. They pulled up to their driveway. 

"Someone wake Tubbo up." Phil said. "Gently!"

Tommy shoved Tubbo's shoulder. "What part of gently..." Phil muttered. 

"That was gently!" Tommy protested.

Tubbo mumbled, annoyed.

"Ish..." Tommy grinned. 

Phil grinned, leading Tubbo upstairs so he could rest.


Heya heya heya heya.

I really want to thank you guys. You or so sweet and I just have such a nice community within this fanfic. There's no haters (except the one time I wrote about a character beating Ranboo up, and you screamed at me, which was funny) and y'all have just been so sweet! I just wanted to say I love you guys! You're so nice and it's amazing how nice you are!!!

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind!



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