Shopping with the boiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss

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Phil was able to pile all of the kids into a van.

Somehow. Those kids were like herding cats. Or butterflies, or bats, or small immature children.

After a fairly uneventful breakfast where Techno practically begged Phil for coffee the moment he woke up and Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy tried to kill each other, they finally made it into the van.  

The car was as quiet as Wilbur still singing at the top of his lungs was. The other boys started singing along until Ranboo thought of a question. "H-Hey Phil?" Ranboo asked. 

"Yeah, mate?" Phil replied.

"I... Well, I've never been to a mall before, and I was wondering what it was like." Ranboo glanced down.

Wilbur stopped singing and Tubbo gave a sigh of relief. "I was wondering who was going to say that. Same, I've never been to a mall either."

Phil's eyes widened. "Okay, right.... It's basically a place where people put a lot of shops into one spot...... and there's a lot of people...... you'll mostly just have to wait til we get there so....... A lot of people and a lot of shops, a lot with clothes."

"It's cool!" Tommy assured. 

Wilbur nodded and went back to blasting Hamilton. Tommy joined in with a shrug."I'VE GOT TO BE IN THE ROOOOOM!" 

Philza pulled into a parking spot at his local mall. He noticed Tommy and Tubbo's eyes widening at the size of the building. The plan was to get clothes for all of the kids, since they seriously needed them.

Phil dragged the boys out of the car and got them all into the first clothes shop.

"Ooh! Look Tommy! It's so pretty!" Tubbo pulled Tommy over to a yellow shirt and blue overalls.

Wilbur rolled his eyes as Tommy and Tubbo's eyes sparkled at weirdest clothes. "Do you guys have a sense of fashion?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Tommy demanded.

Wilbur scoffed. "Okay, look. I think I know your general style. Everyone give me your clothes sizes and I'll find you something you like."

"Absolutely not." Techno said. "Absolutely fucking not. I don't trust you." 

"I..... kind of agree..." Ranboo faded. 

Wilbur gave him fake betrayal. "Rude."


Techno smiled. "Here. Phil, why don't you just give us a limit, and we'll find some clothes we like. We'll call you when we're done."

Phil sighed. "Look. If you get into any trouble I'm not letting you out of the house again. Do not hurt anyone, destroy anything, and try to keep each other from panicking, and/or getting into trouble. Here's forty dollars for food as well. I'll text you when I'm done and you can get some food. Understood?"

Ranboo and Technoblade nodded. 

"And, don't worry about a limit. Just find what you like, alright?"

They all nodded again. "Okay. Let's go." Techno led him away, dragging Ranboo away by the wrist.  

"Dude, that kid is fucking angstyyyy. You sure you want him getting his own clothes?" Wilbur asked.

Phil nodded. "Just go pick out you stuff." he said. "He's a teenager. It's fine."

Povvvvv switch.

Technoblade took Ranboo into a few shops. 

"Ooh." Ranboo said, distracted. He pulled out a jacket that had black long sleeves and then white everywhere else. "I like this." he said.

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