Sicky bois inc.

470 16 10

Tw; Sickness. 

Chapter song; Monsters- Ranboo song- Amanda Fagan

Tommy and Wilbur are healed, btw. 

Tubbo walked into the living room to Tommy laying on Phil's lap. Phil looked worried, running his hand through Tommy's curls. 

"Phil?" Tubbo asked. "Is something wrong? Is Tommy okay?" 

Phil looked up. "Oh, Tubbo! Your brother's just not feeling very well right now." 

Tubbo sat next to them. "Yeah, I feel him. It's warm in here." 

Phil frowned. "Uh, are you feeling okay mate?" 

Tubbo shrugged. "I suppose. My head hurts a bit, but I'm fine." 

"Can I check your temperature?" Phil asked. "Just to be safe." 

Tubbo shrugged again. "If you have to." 

Phil laid Tommy on the couch and grabbed the thermometer. 


"Uh.... Tubs, you're sick." Phil said. 

"I guess I feel kinda sick." Tubbo said, snuggling next to Tommy, who was half asleep. 

Phil was interrupted from the conversation by someone sprinting to the bathroom. "Uh... stay here." 

He saw Ranboo sitting by the toilet, vomiting. Wilbur was crouched next to him, holding RAnboo's split hair back. 

"What's going on?" Phil asked, running in. 

"He just said he felt sick and ran!" Wilbur exclaimed. "Then he vomited. Now we're here." 

Ranboo stopped vomiting a few minutes later. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. 

"You have nothing to apologize for mate." Phil said, wiping Ranboo's mouth. "Why don't you go rest with Tommy and Tubbo, alright?" 

Ranboo nodded, shakily standing up. Phil led him to the couches. "Wait. Tommy's sick?" Wilbur demanded. As Tubbo moved to check on Ranboo, Wilbur took his spot, picking up Tommy and placing the raccoon boy in his lap. Tommy let out a sleepy mumble and Wilbur hushed him quietly, running his hand through the blonde's sweaty curls. "It's alright, sunshine. Wilbur's here." 

Tommy blinked up at him. "W...Wilby?" 

Wilbur grinned gently. "Hey Toms." he said. 

"I don't feel good, Wilby." Tommy mumbled. 

"I know Toms, I know." 

Tubbo turned on Moana, and it began quietly playing in the background. "I'm tired Boo..." he mumbled. 

"Shh..." Ranboo whispered, letting Tubbo curl up in his lap. "I know Bee, I know." 

"I'm thirsty." Tommy whimpered. 

"I'll get you guys some water." Phil said. 

He went downstairs and grabbed three cups, seeing Techno reading on the couch. "You're missing an episode." Phil said. 

Techno looked up. "Oh?" 

"Toms, Ran, and Tubso are all sick." Phil reported. 

Techno's eyes turned to red stones. "Wilbur's getting Tommy time?" he demanded, immediately closing his book and sprinting upstairs. 

Phil grimaced, balancing the cups. Sorry Tommy. he thought, walking upstairs. 

Sure enough, Techno was whisper arguing with Wilbur over a sleeping Tommy. Ranboo and Tubbo were passed out on the other couch. 

"Boys, share the gremlin child." Phil said, setting down the waters. 

Techno grabbed one. "Tommy, I got you water." he said. 

"Mmmmm...." Tommy mumbled, sitting up slightly. Techno helped him drink, ignoring Wilbur's glare. 

"Thanks Techie." Tommy said. Wilbur glared even harder at Techno's smug grin, holding Tommy closer. 

Phil rolled his eyes. Whenever Tommy got sick, Wilbur and Techno went on overdrive to take care of him, often competing for Tommy's love. It was a good thing Tommy was too out of it to realize, because he would definitely abuse that power otherwise. "Do not fight over the gremlin." Phil directed. "Techno, you can snuggle with Tubbo." 

Techno looked over at Ranboo watching the movie with a sleeping Tubbo on his lap. He sat down and took the child off of Ranboo, holding him so Ranboo could lie down. He sat next to Ranboo's feet, messing with Tubbo's hair.

Phil smiled at his boys getting along and sat down next to Wilbur, preparing for a chill day. 


"Tommy, I swear to the gods you get off that couch one more time I'm going to chain you to it." 

Tommy frowned, sitting on the couch with a pout. "I'm borrrreddddd." he whined. 

"We are literally watching a movie." Techno said. 

"We've been watching a movie all day..." Tommy mumbled back. "I'm booooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd." 

Techno sighed. "Fine! What do you want to do?" 

"I wanna play a game. Minecraft or something!" 

"Fine. Let's play Minecraft." 

Techno booted up the game. Tommy grinned. Wilbur grabbed another controller. It was just the three boys, and they were able to play a few minutes without chaos. Then Tommy got blown up by a creeper. 

"WHAT?!" he shouted. 

"Shhhhh!" Techno said as Wilbur laughed. "Fuckin' creeper!" Tommy screamed. 

"Tommy, you're dead calm down." 

"IMMA KILL HIM!" Tommy started coughing. 

He went into a fit. "Tommy!" Wilbur cried, rubbing his brothers back. Tommy was coughing so much, he didn't really have breath in his body. There was just a lot of silent shaking. 

Finally, he stopped coughing, leaning into Wilbur and panting. There were tears in his eyes. "Shhhh." Wilbur said. "Shhhh. It's okay. Alright? You're okay now." 

"That hurt!" Tommy cried. 

"I know. I know Toms." 

Techno had gotten Phil. "You guys need to stay calmer and quiet." he said. "Tommy, are you okay?" 

"That hurt!" Tommy cried. "That really hurt!" 

Wilbur rubbed Tommy's back. "Shhhhh." he whispered. "I know. I know. Shhhhh. Let's just watch something, alright? It's okay. It's alright." 

Phil sighed. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy's fevers had all gotten worse, and Wilbur was starting to come down with it as well. Techno had only gotten sick once in his life, so it was likely he wasn't going to get it. Phil was fine as well. 

He knew that his boys shouldn't get sick, that their bodies needed to heal after their time in the facility. He couldn't help but worry about what would happen if his sons got any worse.


Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 

You are loved. 


Ps. I just wanted you to know that sometimes I don't like talking to people or just being around people. Ya guys let me read and write, and I love you for it. Thank you for supporting me and my work and this totally doesn't have anything to do with the fact that THIS STORY HIT LIKE 400 READS TF?!??!?!?!?! But thank you guys so much. I've been going through a lot lately (who hasn't), and while I know I have people who care about me, this is often a place where I can write my feelings about different situations. So thank you for giving me this outlet because sometimes it's a lot easier than talking to people. You guys are so so so loved, and I love you guys. 

Sorry it got a little depressing. 

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