Sickinnit pt. 2

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Tommy had been sick for two days. 

And the boys were scared. 

Technoblade didn't know anything about first aid-- why stop blood when you can cause it?-- but he figured this wasn't a good thing. Apollo had been sleeping in Tommy's room because he was worried about Tommy, and Tommy had trouble leaving his room for even the bathroom. 

Tommy felt like crap. He was constantly warm and freezing at the same time, like, warm to the point of sweating and also shivering. The only warmth he ever got was when he and his brothers snuggled, which they did often because Tommy was sick and they wanted to give him anything he wanted to make him feel better. The nausea was also not fun, but he at least hadn't vomited yet. The coughing was annoying too, and left Tommy's throat sore at night. 

Phil poked his head into Tommy's room. "How are ya feeling, mate?" he asked. 

Tommy gave him an unintelligible mumble, basically describing how he felt. 

"Yeah?" Phil asked, putting the thermometer in Tommy's mouth. "Oof." he said. "You really don't feel good." 

"Is it bad?" Techno asked, walking into Tommy's room with a paper towel holding who knows what with these boys. 

"102.9. No, not really." Phil lied. He knew that Techno used Apollo's warmth to go to sleep every night because of his piglin tendencies but since Apollo had been sleeping with Tommy, Techno had had a couple rough nights. Phil didn't want to worry the kids or keep Techno up any more than he'd already been. "Do you know if we have any kid's medication? Like Aspirin? Tylenol?"

Techno shrugged. "Probably, you know Tommy has a hard time taking pills."

Phil nodded. "Should be in a red box. Says Tylenol on it. Can you grab it? And take this with you?" He handed Techno the thermometer and he ran off, eager to try to help his brother.

Phil sighed, sitting on the edge of Tommy's bed. "Tommy, do you know how your immune system is?" he asked. 

"Crap." was his answer. "M' head hurts. Like fevery headachey shit." 

"Yeah, that's because we're pretty sure they also gave you a concussion, along with getting sick. I only asked because a bad immune system makes sicknesses worse." 

"Yeah. Crap."

"I don't entirely blame the boys for beating up that one kid." Phil admitted. 

Tommy gave him a shivery smile. "What did Techno bring?" he asked. 

Phil stood up and walked over to the dresser where Techno had left a paper towel. He unfolded it and found heavily burned toast. Poor Techno couldn't cook to save his life, and Wilbur wasn't much better.

"Yeah... I figured he'd like something more than soup..." Techno mumbled, embarrassed.  "It's bad, I know." 

Phil wasn't sure if he was talking about the toast. "It's okay. It was a good thought. How about I give him some medicine and then go make some toast." He slid some medicine into the syringe. "Tommy? Can you take this for me?" He slipped the syringe into Tommy's mouth and let the medicine slip down his throat. "There. Now, I'm going to make you some not burned toast." 

"Wait..." Tommy mumbled when Phil and Techno tried to leave. "Can Tec snuggle with me?" 

Oh my gosh the grin across Phil's face as Techno immediately sat next to Tommy and let his little brother curl up in Techno's lap and when he put a blanket across the youngest. Oh my gosh he was so cute Phil was doing so much Dadza happiness at that moment. 

Techno glared at Phil's shit eating grin, but the sympathetic smile he gave Tommy right after made everything worth it. 

Okay, not Tommy's suffering, but every insult and threat Phil was likely to endure later was completely worth it. 

When Phil went back upstairs with some toast for Tommy, the little boy was asleep on top of Techno. Techno just shrugged. "Can you bring me my book and reading light?" he asked. 

Phil nodded and let the two boys read and sleep. 






That night, Techno poked his head into Tommy's room to find him reading. 

He sat next to Tommy, who tried (and failed) to hide the cover of the book. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Techno asked. 

"This is resting." Tommy muttered. "I've been resting all day." 

"Are you reading the Iliad? My Iliad?" 

Tommy gave him a mischievous look. "Maybe..... you left it here." he said. 

"You could have asked." Techno said. "I would have let you borrow it." 

Tommy frowned. "I... I thought you didn't like people touching your stuff." 

Techno shrugged, and Tommy snuggled close to him. "I don't, but if you're genuinely interested in the book and Greek mythology, I'd let you borrow it." 

Tommy yawned. "Okay." 

Techno smiled. "How about I read to you?" he asked, taking the book. 

Tommy leaned into Techno's cold body. He relished the warmth radiating from Tommy, even if it wasn't normal. Techno's piglin instincts were fine in the day but at night he had trouble pushing them down. Apollo normally slept with him to keep him warm but Apollo had been sleeping with Tommy, worried about him. 

"When Paris......" 

Techno smiled as Tommy's eyes began to close. "Then Helen...." he stopped, letting him sleep, curling up around his warmth and falling asleep with Tommy. 

Tommy awoke feeling like crap. 

Okay, he'd been doing that. But this was different, worse. He felt super nauseous and there was a massive pressure in his head. 

Tommy stumbled to the bathroom, untangling himself from Techno and leaning on the wall. He filled a cup up with water, hoping the cool water would wash the sick feelings away and let him sleep. 

His stomach gurgled and with a massive heave vomit surged out of Tommy. He threw a little up onto the floor then booked it to the toilet, whipping it open and vomiting. 

He, like everyone, hated vomiting. It was one of the worst feelings, your body doing the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do. He especially hated vomiting alone, because it was like a constant reminder that he was alone, suffering alone. 

Then Techno ran in. "Tommy?" He bent down next to Tommy, rubbing his back and trying to comfort the sick child. 

 "Tommy, I'm sorry. You're gonna be okay. You'll be alright."

Tommy kept throwing up until he had nothing left in his stomach, he started dry heaving. "Techno!" he cried, not sure why but it felt right. "Help me!"

Techno pressed his hand into Tommy's back. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He felt helpless, his piglin instincts screaming to do something, but not being able to help.

Phil ran in. "Oh, Tommy." he knelt down next to him. "I'm sorry, you're almost done, I promise. It's gonna be alright. You're doing great."

Tommy waited, for minutes, though it felt like hours, waiting for his stomach to stop trying to throw itself up. Finally, it ended, and the nausea faded. Techno wiped his mouth with a towel and he threw his arm around Techno. He felt like absolute crap. "It's okay," Techno whispered. "It's okay, you're done. It's alright."

Tommy clutched his stomach, tears streaming down his face. Whenever he threw up he had a tendency to cry. "It's okay." Techno whispered. Phil wrapped his wings around Tommy and Techno. "It's alright."

The pain slowly subsided and he pulled away. Techno gave him a gentle look. "Why don't you sleep with me tonight?" he asked.

Tommy sleepily nodded and Techno led him into his room. Tommy fell asleep moments later. 

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