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So now I'm inspired. I need to write at least six more chapters anyways. (If you can figure out why I'll give you a virtual cookie)


Question; Do you want angst or happiness?



Pick please. 

Tw; hospital


Philza could only see darkness. 

His side burned as he struggled against the pressing darkness. No way was he dead. He couldn't be! His boys needed him and he still needed to ask Kristen to marry him! He couldn't be dead yet!


NO! Phil struggled, trying to move, open his eyes, do something!


Phil heard the voice of his love, of Kristen. "Oh Phil! No, don't stop. You have to keep fighting! Your boys need you. I need you. Please, keep fighting.I know you can do it. I know. But you you have to keep fighting! For your boys! They need you, Phil! Fucking wake up!"

Phil felt something gripped his hand. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead! Phil struggled again. Finally, he seemed to regain control of his own body. His eyelids fluttered open. 

Phil saw Kristen standing over him. "You're okay." she whispered. "You're alive!"

"Wh-Where..." Phil looked around, trying to get used to the light. 

"You're in the hospital." Kristen said. "Do you remember what happened?" 

"I..." Phil trailed off. "Holy shit... Where are my boys? Techno got shot and... and what happened? Where are my boys?" 

Phil started trying to get up. "I need to see my boys. I have to make sure they're okay!" 

"Stop!" Kristen said firmly. "They are. Techno... Techno got shot in the ankle but he'll be fine. Okay? You need to rest." 

She helped Phil lay back down. "Do you want me to go get them?" she asked. 

"Please." Phil said. 

"Stay here, or I'm getting the chains." Kristen said, leaving to find the boys. 

"It's Phil." she said. 

Kristen got the four boys' attention immediately. "Is he..." Tommy whispered. 

"He's awake." Kristen said. 

Tommy immediately hopped off the bed, the other two boys following. "Say hi for me, will you?" Techno asked. 

"Will do." They basically sprinted to Phil's room. 

"Dadza!" Tommy shouted, bursting into Phil's room. 

"Did you tell him I was dying?" Phil asked Kristen. 

"No. I told him you were awake!" Kristen laughed. "This was his reaction!" 

"Dadza..." Wilbur breathed quietly. Tubbo was sort of hidden behind him. "You're awake!" 

"Hey." Phil said. 

Wilbur laughed, trying not to cry. 

Techno came in on crutches. "Update; nurses do not like it when patients threaten them with a sword. However I did find a Pokemon watch." 
Yes that is a reference. 

"Hey Techno." Phil said. "How are you?" 

Techno avoided Phil's gaze. "I'm fine." he said quietly. "You're the nerd who got shot." 

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