Clothes (I don't know)

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Let's say that Tommy's arm healed and the cast is off. Mostly because I don't want to write about that anymore and I'm lazy so................. deal with that I guess.

Also, let me know if I mess up any clothing sizes or things like that and how to fix it because I don't know that stuff. Just let me know. 

Anyways, enjoy more Sleepy Bois fluff! This is the last one before a bit more ANGST!

Tommy promptly woke up at 7:30 in the morning. 

They were going clothes shopping. 

That wasn't something that boys were normally excited about, but Tommy had been wearing Wilbur's old clothes for two months now, since Philza insisted that it would be easier with the cast off, which was fair, but Tommy still hated wearing clothes that were too big for him. 

Besides, they were going to the mall, which was in the city! Tommy loved the small town but the city was really really cool. 

At least, Tommy assumed so. He'd never actually been there but it sounded really cool. 

Tommy ran out of his room and into Wilbur's. "Wilby! Come on! Wake up!" he shouted, ripping the blanket off of Wilbur. 

Wilbur groaned and curled up in a ball, glaring at his brother. "Dude, it's seven thirty. And when I taught you that trick I told you not to use it on me."

"Let's go use it on Techno!" Tommy cheered, running out of the room. Wilbur followed, wondering where the heck he got his energy from at 7:30 on a Saturday. 

Tommy slammed Techno's door open, knowing that wouldn't wake the teen up. "TECHNO!!!" he yelled.


Techno took sleeping meds to combat his insomnia and piglin instincts that flared at night, and once he was out, he was out. 

Out to everyone except Tommy, that was. 

He ran over and ripped the blanket off of Techno. The sudden cold shocked his piglin-used-to-warmth-system into waking up. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Techno complained. "Go wake Wilbur, leave me alonnnnnnnnne...." 

Wilbur laughed from the doorway. "Already did that, brother."

"Come on!" Tommy cried. "Get up! Get up! Get up!"

As slow as a slug, Techno sat up. "It is seven thirty in the fucking morning." he growled. 

"Yep!" Tommy said. 

"Coffee is the only reason you're surviving today." Techno muttered. 

"Come on come on come on!" Tommy, with Wilbur's help, dragged Techno out of bed. 

"Coffeeeeeeeeeee." Techno mumbled. "I need coffee." 

Phil was already sitting at the table as his boys stumbled in. "How'd you sleep?" he asked with a smile. 

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Techno said, going into the kitchen for coffee. 

"I slept quite well, actually!" Tommy exclaimed. 

Wilbur laughed. "He was joking with Techno, Toms. I slept well too." 

"So... what's the plan for today?" Techno asked, slumping into a chair. He was only soldier anarchist Techno after at least two cups of coffee. "At seven thirty in the freaking a.m."

Wilbur smiled. "We're taking Tommy clothes shopping, remember?" 

"Yeah! We're going into the city!" Tommy cheered. 

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