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Whenever I'm sick or tired I just kind of go MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMso that's what my characters do..... Because it's what I always imagine. 

Also, I've never ever had apples and yogurt but for some reason it popped into my head. You'll understand in a moment. 

I hate yogurt. 


Philza woke up the next morning before the kids, like normal. 

He went downstairs and started making coffee, leaving some water for Techno, and sat at the table, quietly waiting for the chaos to ensue. Tommy had started running a temperature in the night, so Phil wanted to make sure he got some rest, even if that meant kicking out the other kids. Wilbur was normally quiet enough, at first, then he would start debating with Tommy and they got loud when they argued. Techno was inconceivably loud when he made coffee, even if he didn't mean to be. Why he couldn't make coffee without clinking every mug in the cupboard was beyond Phil.

Phil heard a small thud upstairs. Worried it was Tommy, Phil sprinted up the stairs. 

"Ow! Shit. Don't do that." Tommy murmured. Phil knew he used to talk to himself, and would sometimes still do it if it was quiet in the house. In other words, never, since the noise in the house was deafening sunup to sundown, but sometimes, when Tommy was alone and it was quiet, he would still talk to himself. 

"Tommy?" Phil asked, poking his head into his youngest's room. Tommy was sitting next to a pile of glass and water, trying to clean it up, but his hands were shaky and he was leaning heavily against his bed. 

"Oh, Toms, let me get that." Phil instructed, walking into his room and picking Tommy up. Why was the water red? Were one of his wounds open? No, Phil realized he'd cut himself on the glass. 

"I made a mess, I gotta clean it up." Tommy sleepily mumbled. 

"Shut." Phil interrupted his son's protests. "No. You're already sick and uncoordinated. Stay here." he finished with a firm look, knowing Tommy was too tired to do anything but obey. 

Tommy gave him another mumbly response. Phil set him on his bed and Tommy leaned against the wall. Not wanting to leave him alone for long, Phil ran downstairs and quickly grabbed some paper towels and a band-aid. He swiftly disposed of the glass and gave Tommy's cut palm the band-aid. 

"Why don't we go get you something to eat?" Phil asked. "You look hungry." And exhausted, and pale, and so so so tired. 

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Tommy answered. "I want to but I'm so tireddd." 

Phil started to lead Tommy downstairs, hoping to get something of that old spark from the small child. "Just for a few minutes." he promised. Phil knew that there was only a little bit more time before Techno woke up and the house erupted into sheer chaos. Wilbur would wake up on his own, often before Tommy, and would be quiet before Tommy woke. They both had already slept in later than normal meaning they could be down any minute, and Phil wanted Tommy to get rest, not have to keep up with his brothers when he already felt this bad. 

"How are you feeling?" Phil asked, even though it was obvious. He sat Tommy on one of the dining room chairs and started cutting up apples. He grabbed some yogurt and put the apple chunks on top. Sticking a spoon in it he gave it to his son. He also gave him some water. Tommy almost missed the bowl entirely trying to scoop some yogurt, but he got some on the spoon and put it in his mouth. 

"M' okay." he mumbled, even though he obviously wasn't. He sucked some water through the straw. Phil came over and felt his forehead, surprised at how warm it was. 

Then Wilbur came tromping downstairs. "Hey... Tommy..." he trailed off, a nervous look at Phil. 

"Why are you limping?" Phil demanded. 

"Good morning to you too." Wilbur snarked, sitting at the table. 

"Is your head bleeding?" Phil asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe. I ran into the wall so...." Wilbur trailed off. "How do you feel, Tommy." 

"Techno! Could you come downstairs please!?" Phil yelled. 

Tommy winced at his loud voice. 

Techno ran downstairs, more in shadow, so Phil couldn't make him out. Yeah, they were hiding something. "Hey Phil, what's up?"

"Move out of the shadows, mate, I can barely see you." 

Techno barely took a step forward. It was enough for Phil to make out his features, his eyes, piglin-like ears.

HIs nose that was two times the size of a normal nose.

"Okay, what the hell did you two do?" Phil demanded, shocked. 

He waited, one of them was bound to break the silence. 

"We fought a guy..." Techno admitted. 

"Techno you snitch!" Wilbur yelled. 

"What? We did what we did he can't change anything." Techno defended. 

"Who did you fight?!" Phil exclaimed. "And when?! Did you sneak out last night?" 

Tommy put his head on the table and his hands over his ears. 

"He hurt Tommy!" Wilbur said. "We couldn't let him get away with hurting Tommy."

"Yeah! Tommy's our brother." Techno added. "Besides, it was more morning. We had to do it today so the other kids would see, but we're not vigilantes." 

"You snuck out?" Phil demanded. 

"No one beats up our little brother and gets away with it." Techno insisted. 

Tommy stirred. "You shouldn't have done that." he murmured. His voice sounded weak. Techno stepped towards him instinctively and Phil was able to see how big Techno's nose had swelled. It was definitely broken.

"You could have gotten hurt. You did get hurt." Tommy added. 

Techno moved fully into the light, sitting on the chair next to Tommy and put his arm around his brother's shoulders. Wilbur came over and started messing with Tommy's frizzy bed head. 

Phil sighed, drinking in the rare sight of his sons all together. "Fine. Since, technically, you were defending your brother, I'll let it slide this time. But, for any reason, if you ever do this again, you'll be lucky to ever leave this house. Got that?" 

Wilbur and Techno nodded. Tommy just looked tired. 

"Alright. Now, let's clean you two up. Wilbur, why are you limping?" 

Wilbur glared out the window. "Couple of other kids showed up and one caught me by surprise. I just twisted it, that's all. I'll be fine." 

"And your head?" 

"Just cut it open." Wilbur answered. "I'm fine, I swear." 

"Okay." Phil said, knowing that Wilbur would tell him if something hurt. "Just take it easy on that ankle for a few days. You at least shouldn't need stitches but I do need to bandage it. Techno, grab some tissues then go to the sink. Tilt your head forward. We don't want blood running into your throat and you choking on it."

"Oh..." Wilbur murmured. "We've been tilting his head back..." 

Phil sighed again, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "Okay. Tommy, let's get you to the couch." 

Techno nodded. Tommy had been leaning on him, and he looked about ready to pass out. Phil led his youngest son to the couch, got him comfy, then spent time patching up his other sons. 

He later checked Tommy's temperature. 


Hey. Sickinnit will last a few chapters so............................................ cool. 

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