Chapter 109 - Distanced

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"You saw today that doesn't mean anything," said Quinn grumpily.

"I know, honey, but that's the best we can do. Try to avoid her," she smiled at Quinn reassuringly while caressing her hair. Negan was listening, without saying anything, now turning his eyes away embarrassed. He blamed himself for all this.


Daryl walked up to Maggie's porch and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Maggie! It's me, Daryl! Open up!" he said confidently. Soon enough Maggie opened the door. "Can I come in?" he asked.

"If this is about Quinn and Negan, then no," stated Maggie.

"Alright, then I'll talk to you here," stated Daryl, but he barely started when Maggie tried to smash the door in his face, but Daryl stopped it from reflex and pushed the door open. "Come on, Maggie! What's wrong with you?" he asked as he went inside and closed the door behind him.

"I don't care about Negan and Quinn at all," stated Maggie slowly.

"Fine, then stop caring about them and let them live in peace until we figure something out," said Daryl. Maggie shook her head disapprovingly.

"You have changed, Daryl," said Maggie a bit aggressively. "You changed and became soft. The Daryl I know would kill them both without hesitation. You agreed with me when I was against Rick about letting Negan live!"

"It's different now. It's complicated," said Daryl, trying to explain.

"Oh, wow. You have feelings for Quinn or what?" asked Maggie irritatedly.

"No. But I care about her like she was my sister," said Daryl confidently.

"Good. Like you cared about Beth?" said Maggie with no emotions in her eyes.

"Do not bring up Beth now!" said Daryl, losing patience. "I did everything I could to save Beth! And I'm doing just that right now!"

"Tsk," said Maggie while she started pacing. "So what do you want to do now? Stop me? Kill me? Convince me how good a person Negan is?"

"Of course not. I hate him, he's an asshole. But I care about Quinn and she has feelings for this jerk, so we have to respect that."

"Feelings? Respect? What are you talking about Daryl?! Respect Negan?! Do you even hear yourself?!" asked Maggie slightly raising her voice.

"Like it or not, Quinn is part of this community, part of my family and I'm not tolerating you if you're threatening her!" stated Daryl raising his voice too, confidently. "Jesus told me you said Quinn should die too! What's wrong with you?"

Maggie turned her eyes away a bit embarrassed now.

"I... I didn't mean that. I was angry. I don't care about Quinn, but I wouldn't kill her," she said in a bit calmer way.

Daryl exhaled sharply then he continued in a more gentle way too.

"We're figuring things out, okay? They're gonna leave. As soon as their injuries are healed, they'll leave. Okay? Just don't even look at them while they're here. Please?"

Maggie exhaled sharply. She glanced at the stairs, Daryl followed her gaze and they saw Hershel listening to them at the top of the stairs. Maggie turned her eyes back at Daryl.

"Five days. I'll give you five days to get them out of here," she said finally.

"Fine. Good. Five days. Okay," said Daryl. "Thank you, Maggie," he added in a much calmer way.

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum