74. Be nice

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'Jon Snow brought peace to the houses' Davos reminded them.

'And our queen is grateful' tyrion told him as they walked along winterfells, into the streets and among the common people.

'The north does not know her, the free folk do not know her, they are a stubborn as goats she's going to have to earn it.' Davos told him walking off.

''I sense that you were leading to proposal ?' Tyrion questioned

'On the off chance we survive the night king when was the last time the seven kingdoms were ruled by a just woman and a righteous man?' he looked down below to Dany and Jon, walking side by side through the soldiers.

'They do make a handsome couple' Tyrion agreed, 'but nothing lasts.' Tyrion knew that only too well.


"Making an axe of that size is not going to be easy.' Gendry was telling sandor when Thea found him. But sandor just stared down at him. 'The amount of dragonglass and welding it together.'

'You are skilled, you made a brace for willas that was perfection.' Thea reminded him.

'Lady Thea I don't know that I can make an axe of the magnitude Sandor wants.' Gendry told her.

"I think you are up to the challenge though.' Thea mused and Gendry sighed but nodded. 'Good boy.' Thea told Gendry. 'Come doggie.' Thea teased smiling back at sandor.

'Woman.' He barked.

"You keep barking and you are proving my point.' Thea told him with a grin. Sandor grabbed her hips picking her up she shrieked with laughter.


'Your sister doesn't like me,' Dany told Jon

'She doesn't know you. If it makes you feel any better if she didn't like me when we are growing up either.' Jon told her.

'She does not have to be my friend but I am her queen if she cannot respect me...' The Dothraki came riding up pulling her attention away.

'What's the matter?' jon questioned

'The dragons are barely eating.' so off they went to find her dragons in a field of bones

'What's wrong with them?' Jon asked

'They do not like the north' Daenerys told him. Dany climbed on the back of one and told Jon to get on the other.

'Well I don't know how to ride a dragon.' He told her awkwardly,

'Nobody does until they ride a dragon.' Dany told him.

'What if he does not want me to?' jon questioned taking a step closer.

'Then I have enjoyed your company Jon Snow' Daenerys told him confidently from on top of her dragon so carefully slowly and cautiously but not gracefully Jon climbed to top of the dragon.

''What do I hold onto?' he screamed

'Whatever you can' and suddenly he was in the air flying away.

They swooped over Winterfell everyone could see clear as day that there was a ridder on each dragon.

'That was crazy!" Jon exclaimed sliding off the dragons back. Dany walked to him, fire in her eyes as she got closer and closer. Jon had a smile on his face looking up to the dragon, he couldn't believe that he just did that. 'Not really a lot warmer here.' Jon mused but Dany kissed him silencing him.


'So lets say the walker get us.' Thea said as Tyrion poured her another drink. 'What then?'

'What do you mean?' Tyrion questioned as she leaned back in her chair.

"What do you mean, what do I mean?' Thea countered. 'what happens to us? Do we turn into that thing? Do we have our conscienceness still and we will know and remember what we are doing... I don't know what to be gnawing on someone's arm and know what I'm doing. I would rather be mindless and gone. You know?' Thea questioned.

'I don't know.' Tyrion admitted. 'I don't think we will know until it happens.'

'Otimisum.' Thea told him tipping her drink back.

'You brought it up.'

'I did.' She agreed. 'but my question was more hypothetical and yours sounded more like it will happen.' Thea told him.

"Well...' Tyrion didn't have an answer to that he poured them both another drink.

'See.' Thea said as she clinked her glass with his.

'What are you doing?" Sandor questioned.

"What do you mean?" Thea mused glancing back at Tyrion.

"What are you doing Theadora?" Sandor grumbled.

"Having a drink with Tyrion. He owed me a few.' Thea told him simply.

'Flower.' Sandor grumbled sitting down next to her.

'What? Don't worry,' Thea assured. 'seriously, nothing to worry about. I do like him better now though.' Thea admitted. 'Then before, but that's because I don't have to be near him or talk to him.'

'Thea doesn't like being told what to do.' Sandor told Tyrion.
"Yes I found that out rather quickly.' Tyrion admitted. 'It's a shame, we get along quite well.' Tyrion told her.

"We do.' She admitted and sandor pulled the glass from her lips.

"I think you are done.' Sandor told her.

'Am not.' Thea objected.

'You agreeing with him. Yeah you have.' Sandor told her.

'You're no fun.' Thea said sticking her tongue out at sandor.

'I''m fun.' Tyrion told sandor. 'Thea likes me.' he smirked up at sandor.

'Watch yourself imp.' Sandor warned.

'Oh be nice, his life is terrible enough as it is.' Thea told sandor and Tyrion sucked in a breath.

'Thank you Thea.' Tyrion said stiffly.

"Sure, lets drink again sometime. You can tell me about- wait your wife is here! At winterfell!' Thea exclaimed standing up. 'Poor girl I gotta talk to her.' Thea said giggling.

"what happened to be nice to Tyrion?' Tyrion pondered.

'I told him to be nice, I never said I was going to.' Thea teased.

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