21. Charmed i'm sure

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Joffrey's name day celebration was in full swing when they arrived at the castle. A man was currently having wine pour down his throat to the point of choking Joffrey was smiling maliciously

'You can't!' Sansa sputtered

'What did you just say? Did you just say I can't?' Joffrey questioned

'I just mean that would be bad luck to kill a man on name day.' Sansa clarified.

'Some sort of peasant superstition.' Joffrey muttered brushing it off

'No the girl is right,' Sandor told him 'what a man sows on his name day he reaps all year.'

'Take him away I will have him killed tomorrow, the fool.' Joffrey said as the man was thrown to the ground spewing out the wine that was forced down him.

'A fool, you are so clever.' Sansa told him 'he would make a much better fool than a knight, he does not deserve the mercy of a quick death.'

'Did you hear my lady? from this day you will be my new fool.' Joffrey decreed.

'Thank you your Grace and you my lady thank you.' He said bowing before them nervously.

'Beloved nephew' Tyrion said approaching 'we looked for you on the battlefield you were nowhere to be found.' Tyrion remarked pouring a glass of wine.

'I've been here ruling the kingdom's.' Joffrey said pompously.

'And what a fine job you've done...' Tyrion turned to his younger niece and nephew. 'look at you more beautiful than ever and you, you are going to be than the hound but much better looking,' Tyrion said talking to Marcella and Tommen. 'he doesn't like me,' tyrion said to Bronn, motioning to Sandor.

'I can't understand why...' Bronn said standing next to Sandor.

'You must be lady theadora.' Tyrion remarked. 'Pleasure to meet you.'

'Charmed I'm sure.' Thea said stiffly

'Right...' tyrion looked her over she was certainly beautiful but from the look on her face she was less than thrilled about this match. She could do better than him and he could probably not do better than a woman that looked like her and had as high a title. Her family was one of the richest and most powerful. They were getting a real deal marrying her off. 'Well,' Tyrion took a step back 'I wish I could stay and celebrate but there is work to be done,' Tyrion informed Joffrey marching off

'Work? what work? why are you here?' Joffrey questioned.


'A raven arrive from the citadel this morning your grace and we have received reports from maesters all over and has declared this great summer is done. The longest summer in living memory,' maester Pycelle told them

'Most think that long summers mean even longer winters,' Varys noted.

'I would not call on superstition' the grand maester said.

'We have enough supplies to last five years but any longer we can deal with a few were peasants.' Petyr said

'The city is dying and with nowhere to house them once winter comes we expect the worst-'

'Close the citadel... How did you even get a title, you not a Lord.' Cersei remarked.

'I own my titles to your Lord father Tywins generosity.' Petyr told them.

'Then shut the gates they belong in the field not in our capital.' Cersei informed them.

'Yes your grace.' Then whistling was heard as Tyrion came in.

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