51. Syrio

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 'I hope not all these meetings are going to be this early.' Oberyn whined 'I was up late last night... So does this mean I have a master of something now? Coins? Ships?'

'Lord Tywin and I already decided that I should be the master of ships long before you.' mace Tyrell said they all stood as Tywin came in except for Oberyn he was relaxing his foot up on the table bored out of his mind and tired, extremely tired.

'Late night as well?' Oberyn teased as Tywin came in. Tywin just stared over at him. Oberyn was already a throne in his side. Tywin sat down with a groan,

'Lord Tywin, you do me the great honor of being on this council.' mace said

'All right the trial begins this afternoon.' Tywin said getting to work, 'opening statements, lets begin.'

'Sandor Clegane has been spotted in the Riverlands my Lord.' varys said

'A coward and traitor.' Cersei remarked

'My birds tell me the hand slaughtered five of our soldiers and Daenerys has taken up residence in Maureen, she has conquered the city and rules as it's queen.'

'Conquers with what?' Cersei spat.

'She conquers an army of Dothraki and unsullied from 8000 strong she has a company sell sword the second sons she has two advisors survive advising her one is jorah mormont and she has three dragons.' Varys went on.

'Baby dragons.' Cersei reminded him

'They grow larger every year.' Varys told them

'Is Mormont still spying for us?'

'No longer, he appears to be fully devoted to her as for sir Barristan it seems he took his dismissal from the kings guard a bit harder than anticipated.' Varys said

'He was an old man he was not fit to protect my son.' Cersei told them

'Joffrey didn't die on his watch.' Tywin told her 'dismissing him was as insulting as it is stupid.'

'Don't tell me you're worried about a child halfway across the world?' cersei remarked

'A child with two seasoned warriors counseling her and powerful army at her back.'

'Varys is right I have been to see the unsullied firsthand they are very impressive on the battlefield.' Oberyn told them 'less so in the bedroom.'

'Dragons have not won a war and thousands of years armies win them all the time.' Tywin said 'she must be dealt with.'

'How my lord? Her death?' the grand maester questioned.

'Eventually, it will come to that... can your little birds find their way into Meereen?"

'Most certainly my Lord.' Varys agreed

'Lord Tyrell be a good lad and fetch me my Quill and paper.' Tywin said, Mace got it proudly Oberyn watched with this taste.


Thea lay back and looked at the sky, the sun barely peaking over the horizon. But as she was enjoying the birds chirping and the sound of waves crashing in the distance. It lulled her back to sleep.

But when sandor woke the next morning arya was gone. He looked over and saw Thea still asleep he kissed her head and her eyes peeled open

'Wheres the little killer?" Thea whispered.

"I don't know.' Sandor admitted as thea pulled him back down to her.

'Do you want to find her?" she questioned slowly.

'Fuck no.' His lips attacking her neck her chest as she pulled at his pants.

Sandor slid in and out and in again, leaning away as his lips travel from Thea's mouth to her collarbone. He looked down, slowing the strokes. She cried out as he slid his thumb over her clit, the intensity enough to make her flex uncontrollably. She didn't know if it's the contact, the hot words he spoke, or the voyeuristic sensation she felt as he watched himself slide in and out of her, but the combination is more than she could handle.

Thea orgasmed on the forest floor, her fingertips clawing at his back and the dirt around her as he stifled her scream with his kiss. her legs shook as his body slumped against her.

'Best find the the little killer.' Thea whispered against him and sandor hummed in agreement but didn't move. His arms encircling her, it gave her a deep and comforting sense of belonging.


Arya was practicing, waving needle around, her feet moving quickly and quietly. She stuck out her blade, sandor emerged.

'what the hell are you doing?'

'I'm practicing.' She told him continuing on with her spinning and stabbing the air.

'what practing ways to die?' sandor said with a laugh.

'no one is going to kill me!' she told him.

'you will if you dance around like that... that's no way to fight.' Sandor told her.

'its not fighting,' she corrected. 'its water dancing.'

'dancing? who taught you to fight like that?'

'the greatest swordsman to ever live. Syrio the first sword to the sea lord of bravvos.'

'Bravvos.' Sandor chuckled out the name. 'a wee little bastard, they all are.'

'what do you know about anything!' arya demanded.

'I bet his hair was greasier than Jofferys cunt.' Sandor spat. Arya lunged at him.

'it was not!'

'it was. Is he dead?'

'he is.'

'who by?' sandor questioned, the two were face to face screaming at each other.

'meryn trant. That's why meryn is on my-'

'Meryn trant? The greatest swordsman that ever lived was killed by meryn fucking trant?'

'he was out numbered!' arya said defending her friend.

'any boy with a sword could beat three meryn trants!' sandor declared.

'he didn't have a sword or armor, just a stick.' Arya told him.

'the greatest swordsman to ever live didn't have a sword?' sandor laughed, Arya just stared at him. 'alright you have a sword, lets see what you got? Do it for your friend... dead like all the rest of your friends.' Arya stabbed sandor in the stomach but his armor protected him.

'ARYA!' Thea screamed, Sandor slapped arya down. "SANDOR!" she moved quickly stumbling down the uneven ground to get to them. Sandor picked up Needle and put it to aryas face.

'your friend is dead and meryn trant is not.' Sandor told her. 'because trant had armor and a big fucking sword.' Thea looked between them, horror on her face as she waited for either of them to make a move. Arya still on her back, sandor spun the blade around and handed it to her.

'honestly, can we not go one fucking day without trying to kill one another?' Thea shouted heading back up to the horses. 'you two make my head spin!'

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