36. Incentive

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'I could do better work if I had proper tools.' Gendry told Thoros.

'It doesn't need to look pretty just needs to keep the arrows away from my heart.' Thoros told him as he helped him with his armor.

'Why are you helping him?' arya sassed, 'he takes us as his prisoners and now he is our friend?' Arya asked incredulously.

'Not your prisoner little lady, a guest.' Thoros corrected.

'So I can walk away then?'

'You're not safe on your own being Ned Starks daughter. It's lucky we found you.' Rick informed her. 'could have been found by a lot worse than us, trust me.' they packed up the horses and arya and gendry were loaded up as well.

'little lady your friend not coming with us?' Thoros asked tipping his head back to hot pie.

'No he is going to stay and cook he made this.' Arya held out the wolf made of bread.

'come on now time to go.' Thoros told her helped arya up onto a horse.

'Where are we going?' arya questioned.

Sandor's horse was led by Rick, since sandor was so large sharing a horse with him was less then comfortable as opposed to arya and gendry both slight they rode with a fellow brotherhood member. Sandor grumbled just as much as Arya. Thea rode with Thoros much to Sandor's protest.

'this is a nice horse, not as fast as mine.' Thea remarked. She glanced back at one of the brotherhood leading her horse. 'mine is a beauty and fast and doesn't come with a man touching my waist most of the time.' She remarked sweetly as Thoros only tightened his grip on her.

"Don't want you to fall off,' he told her innocently.



'Can I take this hood off yet?' arya whined.

'Sorry little lady but this is better for you if you don't see where we are going.' Thoros told her as they rode, but they came to a halt. Thoros brought a jug to arya's lips pulling back the hood

'What is it?' she questioned her eyes still covered.

'Black Salt rum.' Thoros told her she smelled it in her face pinched with disgust.

'It's hard to find molasses in water.' Thoros told her. 'Thea,' Thoros offered and she opened her mouth. He poured some in.

'I've had worse, ive had better.' Thea said honestly.

'I'll have some.' Gendry said his head also hooded from the back of another rider

'Let's go home.' Thoros said as they lead arya Gendry, Thea and Sandor into the cave their heads still headed until they were around the fire and they pulled their hoods free.

'What is this place?' Gendry asked

'Somewhere where no lions or wolves know of.' Thoros told him.

Sandors eyes adjusted to the fire light surrounding them.

'fire fuckers.' He muttered. 'You look like a bunch of swineherds.' Sandor remarked,

''We are much more than that!' Arthur shouted.

'You are still swine herd,' Sandor told him 'you think carrying a crocked spear makes you a soldier?'

'No' Beric said stepping forward 'fighting in a war makes you a soldier.'

'Beric Donndarian,' Sandor noted seeing a man with an eyepatch stepping forward 'you've seen better days.' Sandor told him

'and I won't see them again.' Beric confirmed

Bride To Be // Sandor CleganeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora