7. Go Away

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'Go away!' Arya shouted

'Arya open the door,' Ned requested, she begrudgingly got up needle in hand, 'may I come in?' he questioned coming into her room closing the door behind him. 'Arya who's sword is that?' his gaze flickered to the sword in Arya's hand.

'It's mine' arya told him.

'Give it to me,' Ned requested holding his hands 'I know this makers mark,' he noted 'this is mickers work. Where did you get this?' she didn't answer 'This is no toy.' Ned reminded her 'a little lady shouldn't play with swords.'

'I wasn't playing and I don't want to be a lady!' arya exclaimed.

'Come here,' Ned requested sitting down on the truck at the end of arya's bed. 'What do you want with this?' Ned question holding her sword up

'It's called needle,' she corrected

'a blade with a name... And who are you hoping to skewer with needle your sister? You know the first thing but sword fighting-'

'Stick them with the pointy end,' she told him

'Yes that's the essence of it.' He laughed. His little Arya was going to be a warrior.

'I was trying to learn...' She told him 'I asked Myka to practice with me. I asked him it was my fault-'

'Oh sweet girl no no you did not kill the butchers boy.' Ned reminded her.

'I hate them I hate all of them, the hound, the king and the queen and Joffrey and Sansa. I hate all of them!' arya declared

'Sansa went before the king and queen and was asked to call the prince a liar.' Ned told her.

'So? He is a liar!' Arya told her father.

'shush my darling, sansa will be married to Joffrey someday. She cannot betray him she must take his side even when he was wrong.' Ned informed her.

'But how can you let her marry someone like that?' Arya questioned

'Look at me, you are a stark of Winterfell, you know our words?'

'Winter is coming.' Arya recited.

'You were born in a long summer you have never known anything else but winter is coming.' Ned informed her. 'we must protect ourselves. Look after one other, Sansa is your sister.'

'I don't hate her' she admitted 'not really.'

'I do not want to frighten you but I won't lie to either, we have come to a dangerous place we cannot fight a war amongst ourselves.' he handed her back needle 'go on this is yours.'

'I can keep it? 'She asked happily

'Try not to stab your sister with it,' Ned told her 'if you're going to own a sword you're going to need to know how to use it.'


'What's the deal with little finger? He seems shady.' Thea remarked

'Are you making this a habit?' Sandor questioned. 'Don't.'

'Why not? You are always alone and I don't like the rest of the lords and ladies.' Thea informed him

'I like to be alone.' Sandor told her

'Yeah well I usually talk my brothers garlan and willas ears off, they are not the most talkitive or blabber with margaery dust to dawn and these people are so dull in comparison.' Thea told him

'You're not wrong,' sandor admitted

'So talk to me I'm bored!' Thea begged

'Soon enough you will have your fiancé to bother.' Sandor informed her

'Gah!' She slumped against the table with an audible thud.

'Not ready for the little lord to claim you?' Sandor asked with a chuckle.

'Oh as you can tell,' she said looking up to him crossing her arms on the table and resting her chin on her arms. 'I'm so excited. This look,' she circled a finger around her very pissed off face. 'this look is one of I'm going to murder someone... yeah is definitely not meant for the little lannister.' Thea told him sweetly

'You are something my lady.'

'Thea,' she corrected sandor stared down at her. 'Call me thea or I call you hound.' She warned.

'Thea.' He agreed her name felt funny on his tongue but she smiled when he said it. Thea jumped up a smile on her lips as she went. 'Where the fuck you going?'

'I got shit to do. People to bother.' Thea told him. 'Don't worry you're still my favorite,' thea told him with a cheeky grin sandor shook his head turning back to his food but the ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

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