71. Idiotic head

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'Where is she?' Cersei asked

'She will be here soon' Tyrion informed his sister.

'She did not travel with you?' cersei spat

'No' Tyrion said. They waited quietly for a moment before the screaming of dragons and wings flapping in the air could be heard above them. Daenerys Targaryen liked to make an entrance two dragons could be seen soaring overhead. They lower down onto the Colosseum growling in hissing down at them and then they lower down further so that Daenerys could get off her dragon.

While everyone else stood amazed and terrified cersei sat her face as stone as she watched the dragons land and the mother of dragons walk towards her everyone watch the dragons sore way. Dany sat next to her council glancing over at Cersei.

'We have been here for some time' cersei told her thoroughly annoyed with the usurper

'My apologies' Dany said nodding at Tyrion to begin.

'We are all facing a unique-' tyrion began but Euron Greyjoy called out

'Theon, Theon... I have your sister' he said 'if you do not submit to me here now I will kill her' he told him , Theon looked to Tyrion

'I think we are to deal with larger concerns-' tyrion went on he stood in front of them hoping this would be a civil conversation.

'Then what are you doing here? you are the smallest concern here' Euron informed him.

'Do you remember when we discussed forfeitures?' Tyrion said trying to get back on track

'You would not be allowed to live in the iron islands, we would've killed you at birth.' Euron told Tyrion. Tyrion let out a deep sigh. Trying to maintain his composure.

'SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Thea shouted.

"Why?' He asked pompously

'OR I TAKE YOUR CUNT TONGUE OUT OF YOUR IDIOTIC HEAD!" Thea spat and he stared back at her but Thea's glare showed no weakness. Begrudingly he took a seat. Tyrion glanced back at Thea, she gave him a thumbs up as she leaned into Sandor. Tyrion took a deep breath turning back to cersei.

'We are a group of people who do not like one another as this recent demonstration has shown we have suffered at each other's hands, we have lost people, if all we wanted was more of the same there would be no need for this gathering. we are entirely capable of waging war without coming face-to-face' Tyrion told them

'So instead we should settle our differences and live in harmony for the rest of our days?' cersei questioned sarcastically.

'We all know that will not happen' Tyrion told her

'And why are we here?' cersei snapped Jon stood up

'We are not living in harmony it's a just about living. the same thing as coming for all of us. a general you cannot negotiate with, an army that does not leave bodies behind on the battlefield, Lord Tyrion tells me 1 million people live in the city they are about to become 1 million more soldiers in the army of the dead.' Jon told her

'Well then it would be an improvement' cersei told them.

'This is serious' Jon told her 'I wouldn't be here if it wasn't'

'I don't think it's serious at all I think this is a bad joke...' cersei looked to Jaime. 'If my brother Jaime is telling me correctly you were asking for a truth?'

'Yes' Dany spoke up 'that's all.'

'That's all? Do you want my armies to stand down while you go on your monster hunt? Or while you solidify your position with my armies pulled back? until you return in and march on my capital with four times the men?' cersei questioned aggressively.

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