58. Love you

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Arya was practicing as she always did when they stopped walking, needle flying through the air, water dancing like syrio taught her. she was moving on top of the cliff side when she noticed a woman a large woman with armor and sword.

'People coming... people coming. you can shit later! there are people coming!'

'Good morning' the woman said approaching them. Arya stood her ground defensively, her sword pointed at the woman.

'Sandor,' Thea hissed. That was the largest woman she had ever seen.

'I like your sword' she said 'are we getting close to the bloody gate?' the woman asked

'About 10 more miles' arya told her.

'You hear that Podrick only 10 more miles to the bloody gate!' she called over her shoulder and a young man carrying all the supplies came hobbling up the hill.

'Are you a knight?' arya questioned looking at her sword and armor.


'But you know how to use that sword?' arya questioned.

'I do'

'Does it have a name?' Arya got closer putting her sword away, Thea watched her caustiously though. She didn't trust knights, she didn't really trust anyone but sandor at the moment.

'Oathkeeper' she woman said

'Mines called needle' she told them

'Good name'

'Who taught you how to fight?' arya questioned getting closer. Seeing them no longer as a threat.

'My father'

'Mine never wanted to teach me he said fighting was for boys.' Arya told her. Podrick stared at Thea once he caught up Thea turned away that was Tyrion fucking lannister's squire.

"Mine said the same thing but I kept fighting the boys anyways, kept losing finally my father said if you're going to do it you might as well do it right.' The woman told her. Sandor finally done shitting appeared behind arya fastening his belt. 'Seven blessings I am Brienne of Tarth and this is Podrick Payne' the woman said smiling over at him.

'Do you want something?' Sandor questioned looking from Arya to the very large woman.

'That is sandor Clegane... the hound' Podrick said. 'Theadora Tyrell as well.' A long moment passed as Brienne looked at arya.

'You are Arya Stark...' Brienne said looking the girl over again more closely this time 'Theadora Tyrell. This is a glorious day.'

'I said what do you want?' sandor spat getting his sword ready. Thea stepped closer to sandor.

'I swore to your mother that I would bring you home to her' Brienne still focused on arya.

'my mother is dead' arya informed her

'I know I wish I could've been there to protect her' Brienne told her.

'You're not a northerner' Arya remarked.

'But I swore sacred vow to protect her' Brienne said taking a step forward.

"Shit job you did.' Sandor spat.

'Why didn't you?' arya questioned

'She commanded me to bring Jaime Lannister back to King landing.' Brienne told them.

'Paid by the Lannister, you're here for the bounty on me!' Sander declared.

'I'm not paid by the Lannister's' Brienne corrected.

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