40. Traitors

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 'Come sit by the fire Child.'

'Not talking? a first that's a first.' Thoros noted

'I don't talk to traitors.' she told them

'I didn't like giving up the boy.' Beric told her

'But you did.' she sat curled up on a rock her face away from them 'you took your gold and you gave him up.'

'Our God is the one true God, you've seen his power what he commands we obey.' Beric told her

'He is not my one true God.' Arya informed him.

'No... Who is yours?'

'death.' arya told him. More of the brotherhood came in excited cheers and their voices echoed,

'We spotted a Lannister raiding party.' Dean said

'Where?' Thoros asked 'how many?'

'No more than 20.' Dean answered.

'How far out?' beric questioned

'No more than half a days ride south.'

'What do you say boys? time for a lion hunt?' They cheer, excitement filled the dark cave as they got ready to head out.

'What about Riverrun?' arya exclaimed 'that's not south it's west of here.'

'And it will still be West of here two days from now.' Thoros told her packing up

'you promised you would-' arya began.

'To take you home and I will.' beric told her 'but we have to do this first,"

'Why? so you can steal their gold?' arya questioned incredulously.

'I swear to you this isn't about-'

'I do not care what you say because you are a liar.' she spat at them 'you lied to Gendry, lied to me you lied! I hope the Lannister's kill you all!' arya shouted.

'One day you will understand-' arya ran off into the night they lost her amongst the darkness.


Arya didn't want to be caught by the lannisters, she ran but sandor grabbed her. he needed money if he was going to get him and Thea to the free cities if they ever bloody made it that far it seemed like it was taking forever with all the side tracks but he would need money and selling off Arya to her family would get him more than enough to get him and Thea started on a new life.

"STOP IT!" Arya demanded trying to push sandor away but Sandor was bigger and stronger. Arya was a hostage once again.

'We are not abducting her, what happened to get the hell out of westeros?" Thea reminded him.

'That costs money, or have you forgotten being given everything your whole life?" Sandor mused and Thea's jaw clenched.

'I get it pretty little rich girl, never got her hands dirty.' Thea shouted.

'Thea-' Sandor groaned.

'No, I get it, I'm just something pretty and warm to shove your cock into! It's not like I have a brain or feelings!' she spat. Arya looked between them.

'Thea that's not-'

'No? that's not what you meant? I know what money is and means and that you need it to get anywhere that isn't a hell hole.' Thea shouted arya inched closer to thea, if Thea walked sandor wouldn't object to Arya going with her, surely. Arya couldn't believe this woman was shouting at the Hound and he was taking it, he actually looked disappointed in himself for hurting her arya thought as she watched them.

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